Econ Value of Ignorance LO4166

Dr. Ivan Blanco (BLANCO@BU4090.BARRY.EDU)
Sat, 9 Dec 1995 10:56:52 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO4001 --

For many years I have kept this quote on my syllibi. "To breed
dissatisfaction is the purpose of education -to make people dissatisfied
with what they already know. People who are not dissatisfied -complacent
people- are not educable. And they are not likely to get anything out
their education." Daniel Boorstin, Former Librarian of Congress.


  R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D.                        Voice 305 899-3515
  Assoc. Prof. & Director                      Fax   305 892-6412
  International Business Programs
  Andreas School of Business    _________E-Mail Addresses________
  Barry University              Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu
  Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695   Internet:
               <<<<< ---------------- >>>>>
     "Si un hombre fuera necesario para sostener el Estado, este
  Estado no deberia existir."  "If one man was necessary to       
  sustain a Nation,this Nation should not exist." Simon Bolivar