Re: Kids on Teamwork LO2671

Mariann Jelinek (
Tue, 5 Sep 1995 11:13:24 -0500

Replying to LO2657 --

Dear Team,
I really like your essays: you capture the essence of what teamwork
is all about, along with the fun, excitement and intent to do well
together. Your ideas are so on target that I'll use your essays with my
big kids classes (in a course for college seniors). Thanks for sharing with

Mariann Jelinek, Ph.D.
Richard C. Kraemer Professor of
        Buusiness Administration
Graduate School of Business     | Real, enduring strategic advantage
College of Williiam and Mary   |comes from changing the game.
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23185-8795

(804) 221-2882 FAX: (804) 229-6135