I am a Senior Technical Writer with experience in the computer networking and telecommunications industry with the following strengths:
Technical writing is my vocation. Birding is my avocation. Both are my passions. I was born to be a technical writer. I wrote my first novel when I was 8 years old and then took the typewriter apart to see how it worked. Both the novel and the typewriter are long gone, but my passion for figuring out how things work and writing about it continues. I love figuring out how things work and how people use them and then writing about it for a wide variety of audiences. My love of birds has led me to deep involvement in saving the piping plover, a pale sand-colored shorebird that nests on the beach. I volunteer as a plover warden during the nesting season and write a blog about it. Highlights Over my career I have developed cutting edge documentation for cuttinge edge products. A few highlights are:
For career details, check out my profile on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/janetegan |