Journal of a Sabbatical

nothing much

April 28, 1998

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Who am I?

Why am I doing this?

What's a sabbatical?

When did it start?

Who are these people?

What do the words mean?





Went to therapy.

Picked up photos of the seal viewing expedition at Andover Photo.

Worked on tree proposal. Discovered we are not yet a "registered institution" for this NSF program. Discovered unbelievable bureaucracy.

Looked at the photos I picked up on the way home from therapy. These are not my photos. It's some little boy's 3rd birthday party: festive cake, older brother, presents, loads of people I don't know. On the way to pick up the kids, I stop by Andover Photo and complain: "These are not my nieces at Salisbury Beach, these are strangers at a birthday party." They can't find my prints. Fortunately, the envelope with the birthday party pics does contain my negatives, so they offer to reprint them.

Picked up kids at extended day. The teacher said "You must be AJ," as soon as I walked in the door - before Andrea even noticed I was there. Apparently Andrea had described me in great detail. The teacher says she's heard all about "AJ". I answer: "Some of it good, I hope." "All good," she replies.

The hippie in the bathroom gave me an in depth lecture on why whatever it was he was going to do to the wall tomorrow was better than regular drywall mix and easier to use than plaster. I understood not one word of it. That is why he is the hippie in the bathroom and I am the professional aunt, I guess.

Lizzy asks: "Do you like taking care of us, AJ?" "Gee, why do you ask?"

A wrong number calls asking for Mr. or Mrs. Egan. Lizzy asks if they want to speak to the babysitter. Umm, it's "aunt" not "babysitter" but they hang up anyway. Andrea wishes Grandma were here so there would be a Mrs. Egan. Later she asks me if I am called Mrs. I try to explain "Ms."

They went to bed. Kevin came home. I came home. I read e-mail describing yet more bizarreness of bureaucracy.

So what'd'ya do today, AJ? Nothin' much.

Today's starting pitcher: Pedro Martinez

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