Journal of a Sabbatical


April 24, 1998

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I woke up with a headache this morning and it never really left all day. The tree pollen is still arousing my allergies.

After spending the last few days procrastinating on the virtual forest proposal, my thoughts started to come together despite my headache so I jotted it all down on my trusty computer (well, not so trusty but at least it's working again) and e-mailed it off to Zsolt. After lunch I drove down to his place to work on it. We got a lot done and it was a worthwhile trip but I ended up driving home in the rush hour traffic on Rt. 128. Arrgghhh!

Two species of sugar maple growing together: native North American and introduced European

A metaphor for North America

I finally got off at the exit for Charette and CompUSA because I just couldn't stand being in traffic anymore. This would have been OK except that I forgot what I wanted at Charette and ended up buying a few disposable fountain pens. And CompUSA was a total disaster. As soon as I walked in the door I was overwhelmed by the smell of plastic. I've never been one to complain of toxic out gassing from plastics, or chemical sensitivity, or whatever they call it but I could not stand the smell. My nose didn't adjust to it as I shopped either. My headache got way worse. I picked up a copy of Claris Home Page 3.0 and was standing in line to pay for it when I realized I couldn't take the plastic smell anymore and my brain was so addled I was about to pay $99 for it when I could order the upgrade from MacConnection for $44. I put the box down next to the register and fled the store.

The traffic wasn't really any better on the back roads and it was pretty late by the time I got home. This all fed into my feeling of exhaustion and of not being able to handle a "normal" life. I get that feeling a lot. For example, I hate rush hour traffic even more now than I did when I was commuting in it. On my bad days I take this as evidence that I'll never again be able to work at a real job where I have to be at my desk from 9 to 5. Strange thinking indeed, but tree pollen clogging my sinuses seems to have that effect on my brain.

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