Journal of a Sabbatical

errands and chores are the meaning of life

April 23, 1998

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The plan for today was to go over to Zsolt's to work on the virtual forest proposal.

What I actually did was run Norton Disk Doctor repeatedly, reinstall MacOS 8.0, run Norton Disk Doctor repeatedly, experience enlightenment - no just kidding - it was more like one of those "I could've had a V-8!" moments - aha! - eureka! - it's the Now Utilities! These memory mapping problems and suddenly not having enough memory to run software that ran before all started when I installed the Now Utilities. I removed them. I removed the software that crashed since I'd put 'em Now Utilities on there. I ran Norton Disk Doctor and Norton Speed Disk, reinstalled the recalcitrant software and lo and behold it works. The Audubon Birds of North America and Easy Photo software both work! I kinda miss Now Superboomerang but I'd rather have a system that crashes less often. Grrr. All is not perfect, but at least I can do stuff that i used to be able to do.

What I actually did was go through the (neat) piles of stuff on my desk and other surfaces and find the two missing Providence parking tickets, which have now tripled in $$$ of fine since I misplaced them. At least I found 'em and wrote out the checks. Found lots of other correspondence too. Took care of that: questionnaires, membership renewals, bills, plover warden schedules... had quite a stack before I was ready to go to the post office.

What I actually did was get the official Easter ritual "Hi Bob" photos developed. Dropped off. Went to browse at Andover Bookstore while waiting. Went back in one hour. Not ready. Went to post office. Went home and fiddled with the computer some more. Went back. Picked up. Mailed same to Bobby. Somewhere in the midst of all this I talked to Zsolt, who wasn't really ready to meet today anyway so we rescheduled for tomorrow.

What I actually did was procrastinate on returning some phone calls.

What I actually did was attempt to clean the car.

What I actually did was - Tah Dah! - errands and chores! The meaning of life!

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