Journal of a Sabbatical

who shut the water off?

April 22, 1998

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I've overslept. It smells like a quahog has met its maker in my car. Oh no, it has. And here are those socks Andrea couldn't find last night. Remove quahog. Drive with windows open. Stop for coffee. Get to shelter late.

It seems like the dishes will never end. I am still washing dishes when everyone is finished with all the cages, the sick room, the socialization room, the rabies room, and everything. I am in Roberta's way as she vacuums.

Someone has put a stack of clean litterboxes, already filled with brand new clean litter on top of the fridge. Well, not squarely and securely on top of the fridge, kind of on the corner hanging over the edge. Jaguar is on the counter next to the sink watching me do the dishes when he decides he has to pee. He climbs onto the fridge and discovers an invitingly pristine litterbox. He squats. The slight shift in weight sends the litterboxes toppling onto the floor with Jaguar in one. He darts off - embarrassed. Roberta blames him for making a huge mess. Of course any cat that happened by might have given in to the same temptation. I get angry.

Jaguar is OK but the whole sink area is a mess of spilled litter. I don't move to clean it up right away because I am trying to dry and put away all the litterboxes I have washed so they will not be in Roberta's way anymore. I'm still drying and putting away when Bob is done with the ringworm cats and comes to the rescue.

Finally, I wash the remaining dishes and just as I've rinsed the last one and am about to rinse the soap off my hands, arms, and elbows, the water stops. At first I think I must've hit the handle. Nope. No water. No water in the other sink either. The washer has stopped in mid-fill. There's enough water in the washer so that I just move the knob ahead to the next part of the cycle and turn it back on. My arms are itching from the dish detergent and bleach but there's no place to rinse until I get home. I tell Dawna about the water and take off.

Despite my itch, I stop off at the beach for another look at the seals since it's still low tide. There are plenty there but not as many as yesterday. I also spot a flock of brant and a lot of birders looking for the Iceland gull who has been reported in the vicinity. I see a pale gull but can't see its beak or its legs and can't even really see its color fully in the bright sun. It looks like a white reflector vaguely gull shaped even when I dig out the scope for a closer look. I doubt it was the Iceland gull anyway.

Home to shower, change clothes, and work on the virtual forest proposal.

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