Journal of a Sabbatical

of real cats

March 25, 1998

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I left the shelter last week half expecting Jaguar to be in a new home by this week, but there he was patrolling his territory when I arrived this morning. Moments before I got there he had sprayed the clean litterboxes stacked in the closet, and Roberta was frantically cleaning it up. Nobody seemed to know exactly what had happened with the woman who was interested in adopting him, but apparently they have yet to meet. Later on, Eileen told me that the woman has bronchitis and is waiting until she's well to come and meet Jaguar.

We got a delivery of three more of those huge 50 pound bags of kitty litter and Pumpkin decided those were part of her territory along with the big yellow bucket she normally guards. Does she know the bags and the bucket both contain litter? If so why is she so obsessed with litter? Anyway, she wouldn't let anyone walk by without hissing at them.

I got quite a shock when I went into the laundry room. I saw the bottom of the laundry basket. I was about to be thrilled when Dawna explained that the washer had broken on Sunday again and volunteers had taken the backlog of laundry home to do. The plumber came and replaced the same part and we were back in business but we really need a bigger washer. We've been doing much smaller loads so I'm not sure exactly how small is small enough to keep this thing from breaking.

Just as I was finishing up washing the litterboxes, Jaguar came over and sprayed the towel where I was stacking the clean ones waiting to be dried. He only got one clean box, so it wasn't a big job to clean up and I thought it was pretty funny. Poor Jaguar. I wonder if he would still spray so much if he were the only cat in a household.

A feral cat came in with a really old wound of unknown origin and the staff was occupied with the problem of what to do for it most of the morning. So I didn't see much of Dawna or Eileen.

Oh, and Roberta told me that what she feared has happened: Tibet called her at home with a question about her cat. Not only that, Tibet has a niece who is a lot like her and who is now also volunteering there. At least Tibet doesn't have my phone number.

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