Journal of a Sabbatical

state of the laundry

January 28, 1998

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I was in and out of the Amesbury Dunkin' Donuts in 6 minutes flat - complete with egg & cheese sandwich on a bagel, and a small dark roast, black. 6 minutes! How did they do that? These are the same people who take 20 minutes to pour out a small coffee. And they even toasted the bagel! They also had a newspaper clipping picture of Frankie, the gimpy black and white cat from Salisbury beach, who is cat of the week , posted next to the cash register. I smiled at that.

Before I had done much more than wash out the wet food cans to put in the recycle bucket, I heard the dryer stop and went to check whether the load was really dry. It wasn't. I went to turn the dryer back on and I heard scratching and meowing coming from somewhere in the laundry room. Domino was behind the dryer! Stuck. There really was no way for him to get out. The dryer is next to the wall on one side, and the washer on the other. Next to the washer is a big, heavy box of institutional laundry detergent, which for some reason is pushed back against the wall and piled high with laundry. It's right next to the water heater. So, I figure Domino must have been on the counter by the window and climbed across the pile of laundry onto the washer or the dryer, jumped down behind, and only then realized he had no way out. I couldn't reach him, so I called Roberta to help. She climbed up on top of the washer and reached down behind for Domino. She finally got him. Boy was he he embarrassed. He stalked off to the closet and hid.

After getting the laundry going again, I went back to the dishes. No sooner was I up to my elbows in hot soapy water when I heard intense hissing - several different voices. I looked over by the door. Pumpkin had cornered both Frankie and George! Frankie was totally backed into the corner. George was between Frankie and Pumpkin but equally trapped. They were all hissing. I put a towel between Pumpkin and the boys so she couldn't see them, and tried to shoo her away. She hissed at me but finally left. George cautiously backed away from the corner. Frankie stayed there hissing for several seconds at phantom cats. He finally walked away still on the lookout for Pumpkin, who had meanwhile gone off to bother Jaguar.

I did manage to fit in some quality time stroking Jaguar between batches of dishes and loads of laundry. He just loves it when I stroke his chin. Quite a change from the old days when he drew blood from anybody who tried to touch him!

Pumpkin took up residence on top of the barrel of clean litter and hissed and swiped at every human and feline who walked by. She got me good - she's so fast with those claws! I didn't even pass that close to her. She really had to stretch to get me. Naturally I didn't notice I was bleeding until I was up to my elbows in the sink again. Arrgghhh!!!

I got all the dishes and litterboxes washed in timely fashion today, including sick room and rabies room stuff. The laundry, well, the laundry is reproducing. I swear it breeds in there. The towels mate and have pillow cases. The blankets mate and give birth to towels. The mountain is growing. It 's taking over the shelter. It will take over the building. It will take over all of Bridge Road all the way to the bridge, and down Rt. 1 past the super clean laundromat where you can only wash clean clothes... It'll make a move on Boston soon...

The good news is we were visited by the bleach fairy! Dawna found an anonymous donation of a case of bleach in the hallway. Yes, Virginia, there is a bleach fairy.

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