Journal of a Sabbatical

random factoids, poems, and other distractions

January 29, 1998

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random factoids

The unemployment rate in Massachusetts is the lowest it's been in decades: 3.8%!

Acting Governor Paul Cellucci will remain acting until the next election. Massachusetts has no provision to make him the actual Governor even though Weld abdicated ages ago. BTW, my favorite rumor bit from New York Magazine is that the reason Weld moved to New York is that he's a closet Yankees fan and couldn't take living in the heart of Red Sox Nation any longer. Is this really a more credible explanation than positioning himself to run for the Senate in New York?


Tom and Julie convinced me to go hear Mark Schorr at the Andover Historical Society tonight instead of going to my meeting. I'm a sucker for poetry, so I went. This was a rather unusual poetry reading in that the poems were visual art as well, layered on top of photographs or arranged on the page interspersed with painitings, drawings, or photos. They were also site-specific, inspired by and written to various parts of the Amos Blanchard House (where the Historical Society is). Tom and I spent some time comparing the broadsides of a poem to the faux marble staircase with the actual staircase. We also inspected the Shaker workbench in the barn - inspiration for another of the poems. The house and barn felt like parts of the poetry. The whole thing felt like a kind of happening.

other distractions

I spent an awfully long time working on the web site today fixing up broken links. I seem to be capable of dropping hours at a time into the gaping void of web site maintenance without even noticing until it's too late to go out and do something outdoorsy. It would have been kinda kewl to go watch the high tide break over the sea walls ...

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