Journal of a Sabbatical

raining again

January 8, 1998

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It's raining again. Still. Always. Since Monday.

So, I'm sitting there at Starbucks with my newspaper and my latte expecting a quiet hour of reading before I go back home and resume cleaning my bedroom (rearranging the piles of books - this is heavy work). I'm just opening the paper after my first sip of caffe latte and in walks right wing Anne (sans Zena and JoJo for the moment). She wants to talk. She talks. She tells me the entire story of Cold Mountain. Guess I don't need to read it now. She talks about how she wants to see Amistad for the black men walking around in loin cloths. Don't sue me for that - she said it, not me. Why would I want to see men in loin cloths? She tells me she doesn't know much about American history (she grew up in Japan). I listen, nodding. She tells me Zena took JoJo to the health food store and they'll be joining her later. Every time the door opens she looks for them.

My chiropractor walks in. he's wound up and wants to talk too. He tells a drunken Irishman joke. Should I laugh or wince? As he leaves, Anne comments on how attractive he is. A theme is emerging.

After an hour, Zena and JoJo arrive and I leave. Despite the rain I didn't bring my umbrella today, so Zena can't steal it this time. (oh, darn I can't remember which entry was about Zena walking off with my umbrella - oh yeah, here it is and the one about getting it back).

I trudged back to the car in the rain, with the unread paper under my arm.

I went to the store to buy electrical tape and super glue. The tape is to fix a lamp cord that Wilbur chewed bare. The super glue is to fix the ceramic Russian mushroom lady that Alex gave me when I left Vladivostok - I knocked a bottle of Poland Spring water over onto it and broke part of it off.

I had a salad for supper at Bread & Circus at Fresh Pond.

I went to my meeting. I came home. Film at 11:00.

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