1997 Annual Report on Air Quality in New England

This report represents 1997 annual air quality information for all states in New England. The majority of the data included in this report were submitted to EPA by the states from their ambient monitoring networks in accordance with 40 CFR 58. The only data from industrial monitors which have been included are from the Massachusetts Industrial Network, EPA-required networks in New Hampshire and Maine's licensing program which supplements the state network.

This report is intended to list potential nonattainment areas for planning purposes. The majority of data used have been evaluated and verified by EPA; however, for the areas listed as nonattainment, the data may require further evaluation by both EPA and the states. This report reflects the status of the AIRS database as of April 1998.

Table 1 is a summary of the status of the National Air Monitoring Stations (NAMS) and the State/Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS) submitting data to Region I. This table lists the number of sites operating, the required number of sites, the number of sites reporting precision and accuracy data, and the number of sites not meeting EPA minimum data capture requirements. Following Table 1 is a list of health effects of the criteria pollutants.

Table 2 shows the number of stations violating the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the total number of stations reporting data in 1997.

Table 3 lists, by state, a summary of criteria pollutant data from sites in each state in New England, and from industrial sites in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. The information presented compares the measured values to each NAAQS; it includes the number of violations, the maximum and second high values, and the annual means (arithmetic mean or average for SO2, PM10 and NO2). An annual mean is not valid for intermittent data unless there are four valid quarters. For PM10, 75% of the scheduled samples must be available for a quarter to be considered valid. For continuous data, 75% of the year must be available to calculate a valid annual average.

Included in Table 3 are graphs of selected air quality monitoring sites that show a ten-year span of data for PM10, CO, SO2, and NO2. A graph of the number of days ozone exceeded the standard during the last five years is used. A discussion of the compliance status for each pollutant is located in the front of the individual state sections. In addition, state maps are included which display pollutant levels and the location of monitoring sites.

Table 4 lists the precision and accuracy data submitted by the six New England states. The 95% probability limit for six criteria pollutants are given as a network average for each state.

This pagelists the results from the Region I audit program for O3, CO and particulates. The results presented on a state-by-state basis give the number of satisfactory, marginal, and unsatisfactory audits.

Map 1 consists of three maps of the nonattainment areas in New England. These include the last reported violations and the attainment and unclassified areas in which there were recent violations of the NAAQS.

This section contains a descriptions of the Region I Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations and program, followed by a description of the Acid Rain Program.

This section discusses the EPA revised ozone standards.

Appendix A is a list of AIRS state and regional Air Quality Contacts, their addresses, and phone numbers.

Steven McDougall / swmcd@theworld.com / 1998 September 27