Health Effects of Criteria Pollutants

Lead (Pb)

Lead causes retardation and brain damage, especially in children. Lead also causes liver disease, interferes with blood formation, the nervous system and the renal system and can affect the normal functions of the reproduction and cardiovascular systems. The sources of lead pollution are motor-vehicle exhaust, lead smelters and battery manufacturing plants.

Ozone (O3)

Respiratory tract problems such as difficulty breathing and reduced lung function may be caused by high ozone levels. Ozone also causes asthma, eye irritation, nasal congestion, reduced resistance to infection and premature aging of lung tissue. It injures vegetation, and has adverse effects on materials. Ozone is generally highest on sultry summer afternoons. Ozone if formed in the atmosphere by the reaction of nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight.

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

The health effects of this pollutant include respiratory illness, lung damage, and increased airway resistance. It may make one more susceptible to respiratory infection. Nitrogen oxides can cause edema (in concentrations of 10ppm for 8 hours); concentrations of 20-30 ppm for 8 hours can cause fatal lung damage. NOx also reacts with hydrocarbons to form photochemical oxidants. The sources of nitrogen oxides are: motor-vehicle exhaust, heat and power generation, nitric acid, explosives, fertilizer plants, and combustion of fuels.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon Monoxide acts in the bloodstream to deprive the heart and brain of oxygen. It impairs the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, and affects the cardiovascular, nervous, and pulmonary systems. Moderate concentrations significantly reduce brain functions, and can cause angina. Carbon Monoxide is caused by the incomplete combustion of carbon, which occurs in motor-vehicles, and some industrial processes.

Sulfur Dioxide(SO2)

This pollutant causes respiratory tract problems, eye irritation, and permanent harm to lung tissue. It combines with water to form acid aerosols and sulfuric acid mist which falls to earth as acid rain, causing plant and structural damage, and acidifying bodies of water. Sources of sulfur dioxide include heat and power generation facilities, combustion processes that use oil or coal containing sulfur, sulfuric acid plants, petroleum refineries and smelters of sulfur-containing ore.

Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10)

This pollutant causes eye and throat irritation, bronchitis, lung damage, and impaired visibility. It soils materials causes corrosion, and acts as a carrier of toxics adsorbed or absorbed in it. Motor vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, incinerators, heat and power generation, steel mills, smelters, demolition, wood burning stoves, fugitive dust, and plants are sources of suspended particulate matter.
Steven McDougall / / 1998 September 27