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El Desdichado
Gérard de Nerval

English translations in notes windowde Nerval's original French
R.A. Parker translationIn NOTES frame
Parker translation notesIn DEFINTIONS frame
Other translations (links)In AUXILARY window
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El Desdichado

I am the Darkened Soul, - the Widower -, the Inconsolable,
The Prince of Aquitaine at the abandoned Tower:
My sole star is dead, - and my bejewelled lute
Bears the black Sun of Melancholy.

In the night of the Tomb, You who have consoled me,
Restore to me Posillipo and the sea of Italy,
The flower which pleased so my desconsolate heart,
And the trellis where the Vine and Rose intertwine.

Am I Eros or Phoebus? . . . Lusignan or Biron?
My brow is red still from the kiss of the Queen;
I have dreamt in the Grotto where the siren swims...

And I have twice victoriously crossed Acheron:
Conveying on the lyre of Orpheus, in turn,
The sighs of the Saint and the cries of the Fay.

The translation of "El Desdichado" on the Exploring The Waste Land website was done by Rickard A. Parker, the site's author, on February 23, 2002.

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