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Thank you for your interest in, and support for, the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT, Mar 21-23, 2014.
Attendance to the Meeting requires
pre-Registration. The room size for the Colloquium is space-limited,
and due to this limited size, there will be no walk-ins.
Please note: The DEADLINE for all REGISTRATION IS: Mar. 14th
Registration and receipt of contribution will close March 14 -- or when the capacity of the room is exceeded.
The contribution strongly suggested to cover the Colloquium is: $70. [After March 14th: $100. ]
use this button
after you register. Come back to this page and click here (contribution after registration)
How to Register
1) First, simply send an e-mail to us at the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium Registry either one of two ways.
A. email using your mail program or
B. click Automatic Email to Request Preregistration which will compose the address, subject, and initial body of such a letter.
2) Second, add to the body of the email, for each individual, your name, address, and/or company. And, optionally, your phone number.
3) By having initiated the process for pre-Registration (by
providing your name,etc.), you will then receive by e-mail further
4) After responding to that emailed
information, Official Registrants will receive within a few days a
second email entitled "FINAL REGISTRATION FOR THE 2014
CF/LANR COLLOQUIUM at MIT" which will contain the final details,
locations, map, directions, check-in instructions, and later
schedule updates, changes, etc.
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