hopper, 1993 [5.1.2, abstract, overview, toc, switchboard, references] Experiments in Epistemology

Over the course of the research, a more subtle type of task performed by developers emerged. In pragmatic efforts to generalize structures created from particular courseware, the tasks began to resemble exercises in "epistemology". For example, hypermedia interface designers created generalized structures to represent the relationships among knowledge that could be used across disciplines as demonstrated in the following description by Schlusselberg. (E. Schlusselberg, personal interview, October 1, 1992)
You create a structure, which you think incorporates everything that you would ever want to do, and then all of a sudden, you want to add one little element, which you think is going to be absolutely trivial, and, instead, it disrupts your whole organization. But it brings insight into how your old structure was wrong, and suggests ways for improving or making a more flexible structure. I think the development process is a spiral one, because you continue to go back to redefine and re-implement.
Initially, I just wanted to finish a project. Then I began to realize that there were structures that repeated. And as I did more projects, it became really important to get something that I could just plug into an environment. For one project it took me two months to just build the templates. Then another project came in and in about a week's time students were using the application. The quick turn around for this second project was possible because I reused the structures I had created for the first project, so all of a sudden production became much, much quicker.

When programmers of "microworlds" developed projects based on structures from other projects, the structures also become abstracted to more generic structures. This phenomena was elaborated in a conversation with Gregory Jackson, the current Director of Academic Computing at MIT (personal interview, March 4, 1992):
When Athena was young, there wasn't much courseware for UNIX systems much less X-Windows Systems, so when an instructor said "I'd like to do something," our staff here went to work and did it. There were several things that turned out not to be interesting to students or faculty and they withered away. Then there was a fairly large handful that really redefined how something was taught, or redefined the notion of what you could do with computers. The things that began to be notable, that won prizes outside, that kept getting used around here tended to be simulations. For example, there's a number of fluid flow simulations. If you pull down the courseware list, you will see TODOR. But if you go look at several other things, you'll find things labeled differently, which are actually exactly the same software. And they're exactly the same software, because fluid flow does not just apply to air flow over a foil, it also applies to water flowing through pipes, electrical fields flowing through space, and microwaves going through tubes. All of these are analytically similar phenomena, and so one of the things that happened was that once Earll Murman had done TODOR, other people said, "I can adapt that to demonstrate this."
Another example is a big thing that happened about three years ago nation wide. Someone realized that finite element analysis programs helped you understand all sorts of energy transfer problems. All of the sudden there were 20 finite element programs. And then the next year, there would be one for civil engineering, one in thermodynamics, and the next year there would be a generic finite element program with front ends for all these different disciplines. There's been this evolution away from courseware as the focus, and toward applications as what we use for courses That's what we've predicted is going to keep happening. It is often talked about here, there are a small number of things, which come up no matter which technical field you end up majoring in. They have different flavors on them, but you realize that if you can help kids learn these things that are generically useful, as long as you put a front end on them, they are very powerful. One of the keys is that it's a community of scholar's solutions. Something that increases community. It's generally been true of things that build community catch on like wildfire.

Over time, structures created through this process may begin to reflect common knowledge structures across disciplines. This raises the possibility that designers of courseware are creating laboratories of "epistemology" during their quest for efficiency.
© Mary E. Hopper | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 12/04/93 | revised 04/12/13]