hopper, 1993 [5.1.2, abstract, overview, toc, switchboard, references] Function Oriented Team Roles and Tasks

The most visible issues associated with the creation courseware involved the people involved, what they did, and important characteristics such as what they needed to know. There was usually a team of people that revolved around the courseware projects. The courseware team emerged between the conceptualization of courseware and the first time it was delivered to students. The reasons for the existence of a team, as well as the makeup of the team, varied from project to project based on a number of factors.
One distinction that emerged was that some projects were involved in developing their own software tools as well as courseware, while others were creating courseware with the aid of authoring software created by other professionals, outside their organization. It is important to note the difference between software design teams, and courseware design teams. The most important point to note is the size of the team that resulted from the decision to make software. Larger teams were required for creating software applications, while making a single courseware package resulted in a smaller team. For example, the software design effort for Intermedia required a team of twelve individuals which included one user liaison, one graphics artist, and 10 software developers (Meyrowitz, 1986). A similar situation was found at the AthenaMuse software development effort where the VCG, that later developed into CECI.
Even in cases where software was acquired from another source, courseware production was not a solitary activity. A reason that a team would form would be to fill the various numbers and varieties of roles that were needed to accomplish the required tasks.
The team approach to the development of instructional software is often much more successful than for each individual to develop on his or her own. The team can be organized around a discipline or department and can more readily assemble the people and skills needed to develop high-quality software. Comments by colleagues, even about preliminary versions, can be very helpful in improving software. (Champine, 1991, p. 67)

No matter how many people were on the team, distinctly different types of skills, tasks and the roles were required. These changed relative to the main types of software functionality that the courseware initiator chose for representing their knowledge. For example, artists were likely to be associated with multimedia, programmers with microworld oriented projects, and interface designers with the projects which dealt with the linking of large amounts of information. In some cases, a person was chosen to fill a role for which they had not been formally trained, and then there was evidence of their learning the role as the need arose. There was a general pattern that interface designers had previous instructional design training, a background in the field of education, and limited exposure to one or more programming languages. Beyond educational backgrounds, it appeared that experience was critical, sometimes obtained over the course of the project. This was emphasized by Landow who had personal experience working with large bodies of content. Through his own experiences with building extensive bodies of hypertext knowledge bases, and guiding his students to do the same, Landow formed conceptions about the skills required of designers of hypermedia courseware. In the passage below, Landow emphasizes the key role that experience plays in the preparation of designers of these types of materials:
Now that hypermedia systems exist, designers must use those now available to gain first-hand experience of various approaches before designing new systems. Equally important, designers must gain experience not simply of hypertext systems themselves but of working with substantial bodies of hypertext materials, those with at least several thousand documents. These materials, moreover, should not be fixed or static but continually changing. (Landow, 1990, p. 58)

In contrast to the role of an interface designers for hypermedia, when developers created dynamic simulations, extensive programming experience in one or more languages was an important prerequisite that was mastered before the project began. This will probably remain true for projects which attempt to use the computational ability of computers to model reality on anything more than a trivial level. It appears that even in the AthenaMuse environment, which is designed to be mastered with relative ease, there is likely to be a point at which programming will still be required to achieve some ends: (S. Lerman, personal interview, March 4, 1992)
Hopper: So are you aiming for a seamless environment where you don't need any programming at all?
Lerman: In terms of the description of what things look like, yes. In terms of behavior, AthenaMuse is like a very general application. You can do a lot of different things with AthenaMuse. It doesn't impose a look and feel. It allows you to describe very complicated behavior. That sort of description will probably in the foreseeable future require writing code or scripts. So there will always be some point at which, we believe, you won't have a graphical way of expressing what you want. So you will have to go in and actually write something.

This particular explanation may be come even more important in the future as multimedia becomes more prevalent:

Software Functions Relative to Types of Roles and Tasks
© Mary E. Hopper | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 12/04/93 | revised 04/12/13]