hopper, 1993 [4.2, abstract, overview, toc, switchboard, references]

4.2.2 The Ease of Use of Functions

How can software functionality be "usable" so that people can take advantage of it? During the early part of Athena, too much effort was needed to build courseware because of a lack of development tools and authoring systems (Murman, 1989). The need for authoring software at Athena was the result of the forefront nature of the endeavor they embarked on in 1983. When they began to create courseware, they were truly the pioneers in the area, so they had to create their own a majority of the time. For the TODOR project in particular, the software interface was chosen because it was basically all that was available, and even providing sufficient interaction capabilities for students was a major challenge.
Usability by authors was an important complimentary consideration to software functionality, because it was necessary to make courseware production cost effective, regardless of the degree to which usability for creation was passed on to learners. Steven Lerman, a past director of the Athena project and the current director of CECI, appreciated the role usability played in courseware development. "The availability of efficient software tools was the essential difference between those application building efforts which were successful, and those which were bogged down by the complexity of the application development process" (Lerman, 1992). The lack of "usable" authoring tools was a critical motivation for the development of the AthenaMuse software:
The system had been designed for MIT faculty to develop complex (language, architecture, engineering, neuroscience, biology and reference) educational software. It was quickly apparent that no suitable application development tools were available for this purpose, and so in June 1987 we began to design "a construction" set for multimedia applications that would make it easy to implement the software proposed by the MIT faculty. Over the course of the following year we developed a prototype system called AthenaMuse. (Davis, 1991, p. 16-2)

A variety of software characteristics increasd either the learner's or the author's ability to interact with courseware or participate in its creation. These nature of the features that increased "usability" varied relative to the five main types of software functions.

Software Functions and Corresponding "Usability" Issues

© Mary E. Hopper |
© Mary E. Hopper | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 12/04/93 | revised 04/12/13]