4 Technical Contexts
In the courseware projects studied for this research, it appears that software
was generally selected based upon its ability to represent a particular aspect
of the discipline. According to the degree of emphasis on learner oriented goals,
the degree of usability of the software for the author or the learner were also
important attributes that were considered as selection criteria before the
package was adopted. In some cases where ease of use was not considered ahead
of time, it became a major issue once the courseware was under construction.
The degree to which ease of creation and interaction were afforded by the
software was generally clear in the degree to which learner construction
was considered part of the educational goals. Finally, at some point during
each project, the adaptability of the software for availability and change
became a significant issue. In every project, technical issues posed challenges
that threatened to overshadow the academic issues, yet also provided the potential
to cont ributing to the positive growth of the project if overcome.