AM2 Documentation
WAV audio format widget containment in ADL See also containers widgets base button container for display surface HTML documents message dialog multiple-line text scroll bar selection list simple single-line text text label toggle button [1] [2] [3] top level work procedures idle time World-Wide Web data entity input data stream protocol support request URL object wrap file explanation of parts wrap script and the Macintosh command line interface inheritance model model for wrapped asset manager and library mappings wrapped class abstract [1] [2] and handles and method invocation and naming and self keyword as object in current scope in metaclass operations inheritance description member access wrapped class, creation of and inheritance example with inheritance example without inheritance members and protection levels methods and protection levels publishing members publishing methods wrapped class, system-defined activities and application services data structures database external processes input/output listing of media user interface wrapped field in wrap file wrapped objects wrappedIsReady fragment in wrap file wrappedIsReady() function and inheritance wrapper See wrap script WRAP_FOUNDATION macro in wrap script WRAP_FOUNDATION_PTR macro in wrap script
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