Chapter 6 Wrapped Class Reference
6.7 Data Structures
The wrapped Data Structures (DS) wrapped classes of AM2 provide generic optimized data structures. The user could reimplement these using lists but the implementation would be less efficient. Data structure classes are easy to wrap, and a good place for the novice to begin to augment the set of AM2 wrapped classes. Documentation for the following classes appear in this section:
Note that the Data Structures wrapped classes do not inherit from each other, thus no inheritance diagram is provided here.
6.7.1 DSqueue
This class implements a traditional first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue.
on Enqueue: any value
Adds the value to the end of the queue.
on Dequeue: return any
Returns the first value and removes it from the queue.
on First: return any
Returns the first value but does not remove it from the queue.
on IsEmpty: return boolean
Returns TRUE if the queue is empty.
on Unparse: return string
Returns a human-readable description of all entries.
on Clear
Clears the queue of elements.
- 1 on Assert: boolean condition
- 2 {
- 3 if (! condition)
- 4 {
- 5 die("assertion failed!");
- 6 }
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 upon Construct
- 10 {
- 11 DSqueue q;
- 12 integer i = 6;
- 13 string s = "heather";
- 14 list l = {"this", "is", "a", "list"};
- 15 {"Assert", "IsEmpty" => q} => theApp;
- 16 {"Enqueue", 6} => q;
- 17 {"Assert", !("IsEmpty" => q)} => theApp;
- 18 {"Enqueue", "heather"} => q;
- 19 {"Enqueue", {"this", "is", "a", "list"}} => q;
- 20 {"Assert", i == "First" => q} => theApp;
- 21 {"Assert", i == "Dequeue" => q} => theApp;
- 22 {"Assert", s == "Dequeue" => q} => theApp;
- 23 {"Assert", l == "Dequeue" => q} => theApp;
- 24 {"Assert", "IsEmpty" => q} => theApp;
- 25 }
- 26 on Init
- 27 {
- 28 DSqueue q;
- 29 integer i = 6; string s = "heather";
- 30 list l = {"this", "is", "a", "list"};
- 31 "IsEmpty" => q; // TRUE
- 32 echo("Unparse" => q);
- 33 {"Enqueue", 6} => q;
- 34 echo("Unparse" => q);
- 35 "IsEmpty" => q; // FALSE
- 36 {"Enqueue", "heather"} => q;
- 37 echo("Unparse" => q);
- 38 {"Enqueue", {"this", "is", "a", "list"}} => q;
- 39 echo("Unparse" => q);
- 40 i == "First" => q; // TRUE
- 41 i == "Dequeue" => q; // TRUE
- 42 s == "Dequeue" => q; // TRUE
- 43 l == "Dequeue" => q; // TRUE
- 44 "IsEmpty" => q; // TRUE
- 45 }
6.7.2 DSstack
This class implements a traditional last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack.
on Push: any value
Adds the value to the top of the stack.
on Pop: return any
Returns the top value and removes it from the stack.
on Top: return any
Returns the top value but does not remove it from the stack.
on IsEmpty: return boolean
Returns TRUE if the stack is empty.
on Unparse: return string
Returns a human-readable description of all entries.
on Clear
Clears the stack of elements.
- 1 on Assert: boolean condition
- 2 {
- 3 if (! condition)
- 4 {
- 5 die("assertion failed!");
- 6 }
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 upon Construct
- 10 {
- 11 DSstack stack;
- 12 integer i = 6;
- 13 string s = "heather";
- 14 list l = {"this", "is", "a", "list"};
- 15
- 16 {"Assert", "IsEmpty" => stack} => theApp;
- 17
- 18 {"Push", 6} => stack;
- 19
- 20 {"Assert", !("IsEmpty" => stack)} => theApp;
- 21
- 22 {"Push", "heather"} => stack;
- 23 {"Push", {"this", "is", "a", "list"}} => stack;
- 24
- 25 {"Assert", l == "Top" => stack} => theApp;
- 26 {"Assert", l == "Pop" => stack} => theApp;
- 27 {"Assert", s == "Pop" => stack} => theApp;
- 28 {"Assert", i == "Pop" => stack} => theApp;
- 29
- 30 {"Assert", "IsEmpty" => stack} => theApp;
- 31 }
- 32
- 33 on Init
- 34 {
- 35 DSstack stack;
- 36 integer i = 6;
- 37 string s = "heather";
- 38 list l = {"this", "is", "a", "list"};
- 39
- 40 "IsEmpty" => stack; // TRUE
- 41 echo("Unparse" => stack);
- 42
- 43 {"Push", 6} => stack;
- 44 echo("Unparse" => stack);
- 45
- 46 "IsEmpty" => stack; // FALSE
- 47
- 48 {"Push", "heather"} => stack;
- 49 echo("Unparse" => stack);
- 50 {"Push", {"this", "is", "a", "list"}} => stack;
- 51 echo("Unparse" => stack);
- 6.7.1 - DSqueue
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.7.2 - DSstack
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
AM2 Documentation - 19 NOV 1996

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