Chapter 6 Wrapped Class Reference
6.2 User Interface
The class inheritance tree for the User Interface (XF) wrapped classes appears in Figure 6.5. As the legend shows, black boxes indicate classes and gray boxes indicate abstract classes. Documentation for all classes in this tree appears in this section.
- Section 6.2.1, "XFwidget - Abstract" page 125
- Section 6.2.2, "XFcontainable - Abstract" page 128
- Section 6.2.3, "XFcontainer - Abstract" page 128
- Section 6.2.4, "XFcontainableContainer - Abstract" page 129
- Section 6.2.5, "XFtop" page 129
- Section 6.2.6, "XFlayout" page 131
- Section 6.2.7, "XFvisual" page 133
- Section 6.2.8, "XFhtml" page 134
- Section 6.2.9, "XFmessageDlg" page 136
- Section 6.2.10, "XFsimple - Abstract" page 138
- Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
- Section 6.2.12, "XFlabel" page 139
- Section 6.2.13, "XFbutton" page 141
- Section 6.2.14, "XFtoggleButton - Abstract" page 142
- Section 6.2.15, "XFcheckBox" page 143
- Section 6.2.16, "XFradioButton" page 144
- Section 6.2.17, "XFselectList" page 148
- Section 6.2.18, "XFtext" page 151
- Section 6.2.19, "XFtextField" page 153
- Section 6.2.20, "XFscrollBar" page 156
- Section 6.2.21, "XFmenuItem - Abstract" page 159
- Section 6.2.22, "XFmenuLabeledItem - Abstract" page 159
- Section , "" page 160
- Section 6.2.24, "XFmenuCommand" page 161
- Section 6.2.25, "XFmenuSeparator" page 162
- Section 6.2.26, "XFfont" page 164
- Section 6.2.27, "XGPainter" page 167

Figure 6.5: User Interface Wrapped Classes Inheritance Tree
6.2.1 XFwidget - Abstract
XFwidget, the base class for all windowed widgets, defines all common attributes and activities.
Section 6.1.2, "Activity Manager - Abstract" page 116
Section 6.1.3, "Attribute Manager - Abstract" page 118
Basic Widget Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
x | integer | x-coord upper left outside corner of widget | 0 | CGS |
y | integer | y-coord upper left outside corner of widget | 0 | CGS |
width | integer | widget width (in pixels), including border | 100 | CGS |
height | integer | widget height (in pixels), including border | 100 | CGS |
borderWidth (only on UNIX) | integer | width of the border surrounding the widget | 0 | CGS |
foreground (only on UNIX) | string | foreground drawing color for the widget | platform | CGS |
background (limited on NT) | string | background drawing color for the widget (unavailable on NT for XFmessageDlg, XFhtml, XFcheckBox, XFradioButton, XFtext, XFselectList, XFtextField, XFfont nor any classes derived from XFmenuItem) | platform | CGS |
borderColor | string | color of the border surrounding the widget | platform | CGS |
visible | boolean | Status of the widget relative to the screen; if set to TRUE, the widget is displayed. | TRUE | CGS |
disabled | boolean | Determines if widget receives user input. When set to TRUE, widget is disabled and doesn't receive keyboard or mouse input. | FALSE | CGS |
systemLook | boolean | Specifies if widget should maintain the look of the platform. Setting this to TRUE may override other attributes on the widget. | FALSE | CG |
Basic Widget Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
MouseUp | integer x, y, button boolean shift, control, modifier | mouse button released |
MouseDown | same | mouse button pressed |
MouseDblClick | same | mouse button double-clicked |
MouseMove | same | mouse moved |
MouseDrag | same | mouse moved while button held down |
Destroyed | none | widget destroyed |
Shown | none | widget displayed |
Hidden | none | widget removed from display |
Resized | integer width, height | widget resized |
Moved | integer x, y | widget moved |
FocusIn (only on UNIX) | none | widget gained input focus |
FocusOut (only on UNIX) | none | widget lost input focus |
Refresh | integer x, y, integer width, height | widget redrawn |
Help | none | help requested for widget |
KeyPressed | string character, boolean shift, boolean command, boolean modifier | key pressed in widget |
KeyRepeat | same | key held down in widget |
6.2.2 XFcontainable - Abstract
The XFcontainable class is an abstract class that defines the interface and behavior of all containable widgets such as XFbuttons, XFtextFields, and so on. A widget is said to be "containable" if it can be placed as a child of another widget (the container).
Section 6.2.1, "XFwidget - Abstract" page 125
6.2.3 XFcontainer - Abstract
The XFcontainer class is an abstract class that defines the interface and behavior of all container widgets such as the XFtop. A widget is said to be a container if it can contain or hold other widgets as children.
Section 6.2.1, "XFwidget - Abstract" page 125
6.2.4 XFcontainableContainer - Abstract
The XFcontainableContainer class is an abstract class that defines the interface and behavior of all containable widgets which are also containers such as XFlayout and XFvisual.
Section 6.2.2, "XFcontainable - Abstract" page 128
Section 6.2.3, "XFcontainer - Abstract" page 128
6.2.5 XFtop
The XFtop class is a top-level widget, most commonly used as a container for other widgets. It defines the standard appearance for the primary windows of an application. XFtop defines two basic areas: a menu bar and a work area. The menu bar area is optional and is created only if there is a menu attached to the XFtop.
Section 6.2.3, "XFcontainer - Abstract" page 128
upon Construct
Default constructor.
XFtop Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
title | string | caption to be displayed in the widget's title bar | "XFtop" | CGS |
windowStyle | list | Specifies the style for the widget's decorations. This list should be composed of zero (0) or more of the following style names: "titleBar", "resizeControl", and "windowFrame". | {"titleBar", "resizeControl", "windowFrame"} | CG |
menuBar | handle | defines a handle to the XFmenu object associated with this XFtop | NULL | CGS |
XFtop Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
Active | none | topShell has been activated |
Deactive | none | topShell has been deactivated |
MenuCommand | string command, list commandPath | a menu command was selected |
This code creates an instance of an anonymous class derived from XFtop and assigns appropriate values for some of the XFtop's attributes.
- 1 // In order to use XFtop as a container we use inheritance
- 2
- 3 anonymous : XFtop
- 4 {
- 5 // ... Some useful members here ...
- 6 // ... We can put other widgets here ...
- 7
- 8 } topShell { width = 200; height = 300; title = "ModuleName";};
6.2.6 XFlayout
The XFlayout class represents a widget that acts as a manager and container for other widgets. As a manager, it provides simple geometry management for children widgets and does not force positioning or sizes on them.
Section 6.2.4, "XFcontainableContainer - Abstract" page 129
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
- 1 // Create a class derived from XFlayout to contain to XFlabel objects
- 2 class Canvas : XFlayout
- 3 {
- 4 XFlabel screen
- 5 {
- 6 x=35; y=20; width=135; height=100; background="steelBlue";
- 7 label = ""; borderWidth = 5; borderColor = "darkOrchid";
- 8 };
- 9
- 10 XFlabel title
- 11 {
- 12 x = 50; y = 150; width = 100; height = 30; label = "Layout";
- 13 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 14 };
- 15 };
- 16
- 17 anonymous : XFtop
- 18 {
- 19 // Create an instance of the XFlayout derived class
- 20 Canvas layout {x=100; y=50; width=200; height=200; visible=FALSE;};
- 21
- 22 XFbutton controller
- 23 {
- 24 x = 100; y = 270; width = 70; height = 40; label = "Show";
- 25 recomputeSize = FALSE; background = "grey";
- 26 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 27 };
- 28
- 29 XFbutton quitButton
- 30 {
- 31 x = 230; y = 270; width = 70; height = 40; label = "Quit";
- 32 background = "grey";
- 33 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 34 };
- 35
- 36 // This method changes the visibility of the XFlayout when called
- 37 // Note that because the XFlayout contains another two objects,
- 38 // their visibility also changes
- 39 on ChangeVisibility
- 40 {
- 41 if ( layout.visible ) { controller.label = "Show"; }
- 42 else { controller.label = "Hide"; }
- 43 layout.visible = !layout.visible;
- 44 }
- 45
- 46 on Exit
- 47 {
- 48 "Exit" => theApp;
- 49 }
- 50
- 51 upon Construct
- 52 {
- 53 controller.Pressed = {"ChangeVisibility", self };
- 54 quitButton.Pressed = {"Exit", self };
- 55 }
- 56
- 57 } top {width = 400; height = 350; background = "grey";};
6.2.7 XFvisual
The XFvisual class provides a display surface for media objects. Since this class inherits from XFcontainableContainer, it can provide very simple geometry management of multiple widget children.
Section 6.2.4, "XFcontainableContainer - Abstract" page 129
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3 // Create an XFvisual to display an image
- 4 XFvisual screen
- 5 {
- 6 x = 40; y = 20; width = 320; height = 200;
- 7 };
- 8
- 9 handle hPicture;
- 10 upon Construct
- 11 {
- 12 width = 300;
- 13 height = 200;
- 14 // Create the image to display
- 15 hPicture = new {"Construct", {"MEimage",
- 16 {"MAfile","dragon.gif"}}} => MMimage;
- 17
- 18 // Add the XFvisual object as the sink for this image
- 19 {"AddSink", &screen} => hPicture;
- 20 "Show" => hPicture;
- 21 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 XFbutton ExitButton
- 25 {
- 26 x = 150;
- 27 y = 240;
- 28 width = 100;
- 29 height = 60;
- 30 label = "Quit";
- 31 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 32 };
- 33
- 34 on Quit
- 35 {
- 36 "Exit" => theApp;
- 37 }
- 38
- 39 } topShell { width = 400; height = 320; title = "XFvisual example";};
6.2.8 XFhtml
This class provides a display surface for MMhtml objects.
Section 6.2.2, "XFcontainable - Abstract" page 128
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on SetFont: string targetElementType, handle anXFfont
Sets the font for all elements of tag type targetElementType in this HTML display surface; currently, targetElementType can be "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "LISTING", "PLAIN", "ADDRESS", "FIXED", "ITALIC", "BOLD", and "NORMAL".
XFhtml Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
AnchorPressed | integer element_id, string anchor_name, text, href | A hyperlink anchor has been pressed and released. The anchor pressed is contained in anchor_name. |
HTMLSubmitForm | string href, method, integer attribute_count, list attribute_names, attribute_values | An HTML submit button (for forms) has been pressed and released |
ImageMapPressed | string image_src, integer x, y, element_id, string anchor_name, href, text | An inlined HTML image map has been pressed and released. The key "image_src" is the URL of the inlined image. "x" and "y" are the coordinates of the user's mouse click within the image map. "element_id" is for future extension only. "anchor_name" is the name of the anchor for this image map. "href" is the URL of the object which contains the mapping information. "text" contains the hypertext associated with the anchor. |
The methods XFhtml and MMhtml work together (see Section 6.3.12, "MMhtml" page 195).
6.2.9 XFmessageDlg
The XFmessageDlg class defines a simple message dialog box, which is normally used to present transient messages. An XFmessageDlg consists of a message symbol, a message, and a number of push-buttons that are used to respond to the message and dismiss the dialog box.
Section 6.2.2, "XFcontainable - Abstract" page 128
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on PostModal: return string
Posts dialog and forces the user to respond or dismiss the dialog.
XFmessageDlg Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
title | string | text to be displayed in the widget's title bar | "XFmessageDlg" | CGS |
message | string | text to be displayed in the dialog. | " " | CGS |
dialogIcon | string | Symbol to display along with the message: one of "error", "warning", "information", or "question" | " " | CGS |
buttonSet | string | Set of buttons to be displayed in the dialog box: one of: "ok", "okCancel", "yesNo", or "yesNoCancel" | "okCancel" | CGS |
defaultButton | string | The default button for the dialog box: must be one of: "ok", "cancel", "yes", or "no". If the specified button is not part of the button set, this attribute is ignored. | "ok" | CGS |
The following example illustrates the use of XFmessageDlg objects
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3
- 4 // Create a message dialog to prevent the user from quitting
- 5 // without confirming
- 6 // Note that creating the QuitDialog object does NOT pop up the
- 7 // dialog box.
- 8 XFmessageDlg QuitDialog
- 9 {
- 10 title="Quit";
- 11 message="Do you really want to exit\nthis great application?";
- 12 dialogIcon="question";
- 13 buttonSet="yesNo";
- 14 defaultButton="no";
- 15 };
- 16
- 17 XFbutton ExitButton
- 18 {
- 19 x = 50;
- 20 y = 45;
- 21 width = 100;
- 22 height = 60;
- 23 label = "Quit";
- 24 font=new {"Create", "Helvetica", 18,{"bold"},"roman"}=> XFfont;
- 25 };
- 26
- 27 upon Construct
- 28 {
- 29 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 30 }
- 31
- 32 on Quit
- 33 {
- 34 // Post the dialog in modal mode. After returning from this call
- 35 // the dialog object still exists and can be posted again
- 36 string answer = {"PostModal"} => QuitDialog;
- 37 if ( answer == "yes" )
- 38 {
- 39 echo("Quitting...\n");
- 40 "Exit" => theApp;
- 41 }
- 42 }
- 43
- 44 } topShell { width = 200; height = 150; title = "Modal Messages";};
6.2.10 XFsimple - Abstract
The class XFsimple is an abstract class that defines the interface and behavior of simple widgets that cannot contain any other widgets.
Section 6.2.2, "XFcontainable - Abstract" page 128
6.2.11 XFfontable - Abstract
The XFfontable class is an abstract class that defines the interface and behavior of all other classes for which a font can be set. Some examples of such classes are the XFselectList, XFlabel, XFbutton, and XFtext.
Section 6.2.10, "XFsimple - Abstract" page 138
XFfontable Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
fontRequest | list | specifies a request to use a certain font to display the text in the widget | {} | CGS |
font | handle | real font used to display the text in the widget | platform dependent | CGS |
6.2.12 XFlabel
The XFlabel class represents a static text label. This, along with the XFbutton is one of the most widely used widgets in GUI-based applications. The XFlabel class defines the basic behavior and interface to render and manage static text by controlling its color, font, alignment, and other visual attributes.
Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
XFlabel Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
label | string | text to be displayed in widget | "XFlabel" | CGS |
alignment | string | label alignment (language, left, center, or right) | "center" | CGS |
marginTop (only on UNIX) | integer | amount of space between top of label text and top margin | 0 | CGS |
marginBottom (only on UNIX) | integer | amount of space between bottom of label text and bottom margin | 0 | CGS |
marginLeft (only on UNIX) | integer | amount of space between left of label text and left margin | 0 | CGS |
marginRight (only on UNIX) | integer | amount of space between right of label text and right margin | 0 | CGS |
recomputeSize | boolean | determines whether the widget resizes itself to accommodate its text | TRUE | CGS |
The following example illustrates the use of XFlabel objects.
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3 XFbutton ExitButton
- 4 {
- 5 x = 150;
- 6 y = 120;
- 7 width = 100; height = 60; label = "Quit";
- 8 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 9 };
- 10
- 11 // Create a label that will have the current time as its text
- 12 XFlabel timeLabel
- 13 {
- 14 width = 400;
- 15 height = 100;
- 16 background = "darkOrchid";
- 17 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 48, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 18 // Assign the currentTime to its label attribute
- 19 label = toString(localTime());
- 20 // Always be center aligned
- 21 alignment = "center";
- 22 // Do not change size after the label is set time by time
- 23 recomputeSize = FALSE;
- 24 };
- 25
- 26 // Create timer
- 27 PMclock timer; any timerKey;
- 28
- 29 upon Construct
- 30 {
- 31 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 32 // Subscribe for time notification every second
- 33 timerKey = {"Subscribe", 999, "Tick", {}, self} => timer;
- 34 }
- 35
- 36 on Tick : list cd, list ad return boolean
- 37 {
- 38 // Assign the current time to the label
- 39 timeLabel.label = toString(localTime());
- 40 return TRUE;
- 41 }
- 42
- 43 on Quit
- 44 {
- 45 // Remove timer notification
- 46 {"Unsubscribe", timerKey} => timer;
- 47 "Exit" => theApp;
- 48 }
- 49
- 50 } topShell { width = 400; height = 200; title = "TimeLabel";};
6.2.13 XFbutton
The XFbutton class represents a basic interface push-button. Push-buttons are one of the most widely-used widgets in GUI-based applications. XFbutton supports activities through which an application can perform an action in response to some user interaction. The appearance of an XFbutton changes to make it look either pressed in when selected or raised when unselected.
Section 6.2.12, "XFlabel" page 139
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
XFbutton Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
showAsDefault | boolean | specifies whether the button should be marked as the default button | FALSE | CGS |
XFbutton Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
Pressed | none | button pressed and released in widget |
The following code creates an instance of a class derived from XFtop which contains an XFbutton member. When the button is pressed, the application exits.
- 1 // Create an XFtop to be used as a module top-level widget
- 2 anonymous : XFtop
- 3 {
- 4 // Lets create a button member
- 5 XFbutton ExitButton
- 6 {
- 7 x = 50;
- 8 y = 20;
- 9 width = 100;
- 10 height = 60;
- 11 label = "Quit";
- 12 };
- 13 // ... Some other useful members here ...
- 14 // Constructor for the XFtop
- 15 upon Construct
- 16 {
- 17 // Use special XFbutton member Pressed to subscribe
- 18 // for the Pressed activity When the Pressed actity occurs
- 19 // send the message Quit to this XFtop (self)
- 20 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 21 }
- 22 // Quit Method
- 23 on Quit
- 24 {
- 25 echo("Quitting...\n");
- 26 "Exit" => theApp;
- 27 }
- 28
- 29 } topShell { width = 200; height = 300; title = "ModuleName";};
6.2.14 XFtoggleButton - Abstract
The XFtoggleButton class represents a button widget that is either set or unset. XFtoggleButtons are most commonly used in groups with either a one-of-many behavior, which means that only one button in the group can be set at a time, or an n-of-many behavior, which means that any number of buttons in the group can be set at one time. The XFtoggleButton class defines the common members, methods, and activities for two more specific classes: see "XFcheckBox" on page 143, and "XFradioButton" page 144.
Section 6.2.13, "XFbutton" page 141
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on Toggle
Toggles the state of the XFtoggleButton object.
XFtoggleButton Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
set | boolean | determines whether the XFtoggleButton object is set or not | FALSE | CGS |
XFtoggleButton Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
StateChange | none | state of the XFtoggleButton changed |
For a sample program using this class, see specific examples of ToggleButtons "XFcheckBox and XFradioButton" see "XFradioButton" on page 144.
6.2.15 XFcheckBox
The XFcheckBox class represents a kind of toggle button, a button that is either set or unset, to be used in groups with an n-of-many behavior (that is, any number of XFcheckBoxes in the same group may be set at one time.) It is important to note, however, that this behavior is not enforced by the widget itself, and the application should follow this interface guideline. An XFcheckBox consists of an indicator (a square on all platforms) and a label area. As its name suggests, the indicator tells whether a particular XFcheckBox is set or unset.
Section 6.2.14, "XFtoggleButton - Abstract" page 142
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on Toggle
Toggles the state of the XFcheckBox object.
For a sample program using this class, see "XFcheckBox and XFradioButton" see "XFradioButton" on page 144.
6.2.16 XFradioButton
The XFradioButton class represents a kind of toggle button, a button that is either set or unset, to be used in groups with a one-of-many behavior (that is, only one XFradioButton in the same group can be set at a time.) It is important to note that this behavior is not enforced by the widget itself, and that the application should follow this interface guideline. An XFradioButton consists of an indicator (diamond or circle depending on the platform) and a label area. As its name suggests, the indicator tells whether a particular XFradioButton is set or unset.
Section 6.2.14, "XFtoggleButton - Abstract" page 142
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on Toggle
Toggles the state of the XFradioButton object.
This example of the Toggle Buttons, XFcheckbox and XFradiobutton, also shows several uses of the XFfont class.
- 1 // This class defines a NRO for XFradioGroup activities
- 2 class RadioNro : Nro
- 3 {
- 4 upon Create: string act, handle cli, string mtd, any cd init
- 5 {
- 6 {"Create", act, cli, mtd, cd} => Nro
- 7 }
- 8 {
- 9 }
- 10 on HandleActivity: list keys, list values
- 11 {
- 12 {mMethod,mClientData,{"Lookup","Selection", keys, values}
- 13 =>self}
- 14 => mClient;
- 15 }
- 16 };
- 17 // This class implements the one-of-many behavior that groups of
- 18 // XFradioButtons should follow
- 19 class XFradioGroup : ActivityManager
- 20 {
- 21 handle mCurrent = NULL;
- 22 // Define the activity StateChange
- 23 list ActivityInfo = { {"StateChange",{"Selection"}} };
- 24
- 25 on AddRadioButton : handle hRadio
- 26 {
- 27 if (hRadio->set)
- 28 {
- 29 if (mCurrent == NULL)
- 30 {
- 31 mCurrent = hRadio;
- 32 }
- 33 else
- 34 {
- 35 echo("\n***ERROR:***\n");
- 36 echo("The" & mCurrent->label &
- 37 "XFradioButton is already set\n");
- 38 echo("Can't have two set XFradioButtons in the same group\n");
- 39 die("Aborting..");
- 40 }
- 41 }
- 42 // Subscribe with the new added XFradioButton to be
- 43 // notified when its state changes
- 44 {"Subscribe", new {"Create","StateChange", self,"Selection",
- 45 hRadio} => Nro } => hRadio;
- 46 }
- 47 on Selection : handle hRadio, list keys, list values
- 48 {
- 49 if (hRadio->set)
- 50 {
- 51 if (mCurrent != NULL)
- 52 {
- 53 if (mCurrent != hRadio)
- 54 {
- 55 mCurrent->set = FALSE;
- 56 }
- 57 }
- 58 mCurrent = hRadio;
- 59 // Notify all dependents that the group state has changed
- 60 {"TriggerNotification", "StateChange", {hRadio}} => self;
- 61 }
- 62 }
- 63 };
- 64 anonymous : XFtop
- 65 {
- 66 anonymous : XFlayout {
- 67 // Create group of XFradioButtons to handle a one-of-many behavior
- 68
- 69 XFradioGroup mGroupBox;
- 70
- 71 XFlabel BaudRateLabel
- 72 {
- 73 x=5; y=10; recomputeSize=FALSE; alignment="left"; width=160;
- 74 label="Baud Rate"; fontRequest={"Helvtica",14,{"bold"},"roman"};
- 75 };
- 76 // Create different XFradioButtons
- 77 XFradioButton baudRate1
- 78 {
- 79 recomputeSize = FALSE; x = 10; y = 30; width = 100; height = 30;
- 80 label="1200"; fontRequest={"Helvetica", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 81 };
- 82 XFradioButton baudRate2
- 83 {
- 84 recomputeSize = FALSE; x = 10; y = 60; width = 100; height = 30;
- 85 label="2400"; fontRequest={"Helvetica", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 86 };
- 87 XFradioButton baudRate3
- 88 {
- 89 recomputeSize = FALSE; x = 10; y = 90; width = 100; height = 30;
- 90 label="4800"; fontRequest={"Helvetica", 12,{"bold"},"roman"};
- 91 };
- 92 XFradioButton baudRate4
- 93 {
- 94 recomputeSize = FALSE; x = 10; y = 120; width = 100; height = 30;
- 95 label="9600"; fontRequest={"Helvetica",12,{"bold"},"roman"};
- 96 };
- 97
- 98 // Create two XFcheckBoxes
- 99 XFcheckBox parity
- 100 {
- 101 recomputeSize=FALSE; set = !set; x = 160; y=30; width=150;
- 102 height = 30; label = "Check Parity";
- 103 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 104 };
- 105
- 106 XFcheckBox carrier
- 107 {
- 108 recomputeSize = FALSE; x = 160; y = 60; width = 150;
- 109 height = 30; label = "Detect Carrier";
- 110 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 111 };
- 112 RadioNro {"Create", "StateChange", self, "GroupChange", {}}=>
- 113 groupNro;
- 114 upon Construct
- 115 {
- 116 // Add XFradioButtons to the group
- 117 {"AddRadioButton", &baudRate1} => mGroupBox;
- 118 {"AddRadioButton", &baudRate2} => mGroupBox;
- 119 {"AddRadioButton", &baudRate3} => mGroupBox;
- 120 {"AddRadioButton", &baudRate4} => mGroupBox;
- 121 // Subscribe for any changes in the group's state
- 122 {"Subscribe", &groupNro} => mGroupBox;
- 123 }
- 124 on Init
- 125 {
- 126 if (mGroupBox.mCurrent != NULL)
- 127 {
- 128 echo(mGroupBox.mCurrent->label + "\n");
- 129 }
- 130 }
- 131 on GroupChange : any cdata, handle hRadio
- 132 {
- 133 // Print out the label of the selected XFradioButton
- 134 echo(hRadio->label + "\n");
- 135 }
- 136 } layout { x = 10; y = 10; width = 300; height = 155; };
- 137
- 138 XFbutton ExitButton
- 139 {
- 140 x = 110;
- 141 y = 175;
- 142 width = 100;
- 143 height = 60;
- 144 label = "Quit";
- 145 font=new{"Create","Helvetica", 18, {"bold"},"roman"}=> XFfont;
- 146 Pressed = {"Exit", theApp};
- 147 };
- 148 } top {height=250; width=320; title="Communications Settings";};
6.2.17 XFselectList
The XFselectList class represents a widget that allows selection from a list of different choices. XFselectList displays a single column of text items or choices that can be selected in a variety of ways, using both the mouse and the keyboard.
Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on AddItem: string anItem
Appends an item to the end of the list.
on InsertItem: string anItem, integer aPosition
Inserts an item at the specified position.
on GetItemPos: string anItem return integer
Returns the position of the first ocurrence of the specified item in the list. If the item is not in the list, the method returns 0 (zero).
on GetItemCount: return integer
Returns the number of items in the list.
on GetSelectedCount: return integer
Returns the number of selected items in the list.
on GetSelectedItems: return list
Returns a list of strings containing all selected items in the list. It returns an empty list if no items are selected.
on GetSelectedPos: return list
Returns a list of integers containing the positions of all selected items in the list. It returns an empty list if no items are selected.
on IsPosSelected: integer aPosition return boolean
Determines if the item at the specified position is selected. Returns TRUE if the item is selected, FALSE otherwise.
on SelectAtPos: list thePositions
Selects and highlights the items at the specified positions in the list.
on DeselectAtPos: integer aPosition
Deselects and unhighlights the item at the specified position in the list.
on RemoveItem: string anItem
Removes the first ocurrence of the specified item from the list.
on RemoveAllItems
Removes all items from the list.
on RemoveAtPos: integer aPosition
Removes the item at the specified position from the list.
XFselectList members
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
selectionMode | string | The mode in which the list should support selections. Possible values are: "single" and "multiple". | "single" | CGS |
items | list | the list of choices | {} | CGS |
XFselectList activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
Selection | none | Item selected. This activity is also reported when an item is deselected in a multiple selection list. |
ListAction | string item, integer itemPosition | Action initiated on an item. This usually happens when the user double-clicks on an item or presses return or enter when an item is selected. |
The following code illustrates the use of XFselectList objects
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3 XFbutton deleteButton
- 4 {
- 5 x = 285; y = 75; width = 100; height = 60;
- 6 label = "Delete"; background = "steelBlue";
- 7 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 8
- 9 XFbutton clearButton
- 10 {
- 11 x = 285; y = 195; width = 100; height = 60;
- 12 label = "Clear"; background = "steelBlue";
- 13 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 14 };
- 15
- 16 XFbutton exitButton
- 17 {
- 18 x = 285; y = 315; width = 100; height = 60;
- 19 label = "Quit"; background = "steelBlue";
- 20 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 21 };
- 22
- 23 XFlabel listTitle
- 24 {
- 25 x = 10; width = 250; height = 30;
- 26 label = "List of Items"; background = "steelBlue";
- 27 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold", "italic"}, "roman"};
- 28 };
- 29
- 30 // Create a selectable list
- 31 XFselectList itemList
- 32 {
- 33 x = 10; y = 30; width = 250; height = 335; background = "grey";
- 34 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 35 // Allow multiple selections
- 36 selectionMode = "multiple";
- 37 };
- 38
- 39 XFlabel textTitle
- 40 {
- 41 x = 10; y = 370; width = 250; height = 30;
- 42 label = "Add Item"; background = "steelBlue";
- 43 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 44 };
- 45
- 46 XFtextField addField
- 47 {
- 48 x = 10; y = 400; width = 250; height = 40; background = "grey";
- 49 fontRequest = {"Times", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 50 };
- 51
- 52 // Create a NRO for XFtextField's TextAccept activity
- 53 Nro {"Create", "TextAccepted", self, "Accept", {}} => AddNro;
- 54
- 55 upon Construct
- 56 {
- 57 exitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 58 deleteButton.Pressed = {"Delete", self };
- 59 clearButton.Pressed = {"Clear", self };
- 60 // Subscribe for notification on XFtextField's TextAccept activity
- 61 {"Subscribe", &AddNro } => addField;
- 62 }
- 63
- 64 on Clear
- 65 {
- 66 // Clear the list
- 67 "RemoveAllItems" => itemList;
- 68 }
- 69
- 70 on Delete
- 71 {
- 72 // If there are any items selected, delete them
- 73 list selection = "GetSelectedItems" => itemList;
- 74 string item;
- 75 for item in selection
- 76 {
- 77 {"RemoveItem", item } => itemList;
- 78 }
- 79 }
- 80
- 81 on Accept : list clientData, list keys, list values
- 82 {
- 83 // If a text was entered in the textField, add it to the list of items
- 84 if (addField.text != "")
- 85 {
- 86 {"AddItem", addField.text } => itemList;
- 87 addField.text = "";
- 88 }
- 89 }
- 90
- 91 on Quit
- 92 {
- 93 "Exit" => theApp;
- 94 }
- 95
- 96 } topShell { width = 400; height = 450;
- 97 background = "steelBlue"; title = "Add List";};
6.2.18 XFtext
The XFtext class represents a multiple line text widget that allows text to be inserted, deleted, modified, and selected.
Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on ScrollText: integer lines
If lines is positive it scrolls the text upward. If it is negative it scrolls the text downward.
XFtext Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
text | string | text to be displayed | " " | CGS |
cursorPosition | integer | position of cursor in text string | 0 | CGS |
horizontalScrollBar (only on UNIX) | boolean | determines whether the widget has a horizontal scrollBar or not | TRUE | CGS |
verticalScrollBar (only on UNIX) | boolean | determines whether the widget has a vertical scrollBar or not | TRUE | CGS |
editable | boolean | determines whether the text is read-only or not | TRUE | CGS |
wordWrap | boolean | determines whether the widget should break lines automatically between words. | FALSE | CGS |
XFtext Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
TextChange | none | text in widget has been changed |
The following code illustrates the use of XFtext objects:
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3 XFbutton ExitButton
- 4 {
- 5 x = 150;
- 6 y = 255;
- 7 width = 100;
- 8 height = 60;
- 9 label = "Quit";
- 10 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"}};
- 11 };
- 12
- 13 // Create an editable text widget
- 14 XFtext editor
- 15 {
- 16 y = 30;
- 17 width = 400;
- 18 height = 220;
- 19 background = "steelBlue";
- 20 // Break lines automatically
- 21 wordWrap = TRUE;
- 22 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 23 };
- 24
- 25 XFlabel editorTitle
- 26 {
- 27 width = 400;
- 28 height = 30;
- 29 label = "Simple Text Editor";
- 30 background = "darkOrchid";
- 31 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold", "italic"}, "roman"};
- 32 };
- 33
- 34 upon Construct
- 35 {
- 36 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 37 }
- 38
- 39 on Quit
- 40 {
- 41 "Exit" => theApp;
- 42 }
- 43
- 44 } topShell { width = 400; height = 320; title = "Text Editor";};
6.2.19 XFtextField
The XFtextField class represents a single-line text widget that allows text to be inserted, deleted, modified, and selected. As a single-line text editor, the XFtextField has a subset of the functionality of the XFtext widget.
Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
XFtextField Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
text | string | text to be displayed | " " | CGS |
cursorPosition | integer | position of cursor in text string | 0 | CGS |
editable | boolean | determines whether the text is read-only or not | TRUE | CGS |
XFtextField Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
TextChange | none | text in widget has been changed |
TextAccepted | none | text in widget has been accepted |
The following code illustrates the use of XFtextField objects
- 1 anonymous : XFtop
- 2 {
- 3 XFbutton ExitButton
- 4 {
- 5 x = 150;
- 6 y = 255;
- 7 width = 100;
- 8 height = 60;
- 9 label = "Quit";
- 10 font=new{"Create","Helvetica",18,{"bold"},"roman"}=> XFfont;
- 11 };
- 12
- 13 // Create the form with XFtextField and XFlabel objects
- 14
- 15 XFlabel nameLabel
- 16 {
- 17 x = 10; y = 10; width = 80; height = 30;
- 18 label = "Name :"; background = "steelBlue";
- 19 alignment = "language";
- 20 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 21 };
- 22
- 23 XFtextField name
- 24 {
- 25 x = 100; y = 10; width = 280; height = 40;
- 26 background = "steelBlue";
- 27 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 28 };
- 29 XFlabel ssLabel
- 30 {
- 31 x = 10; y = 55; width = 200; height = 30;
- 32 label = "Social Security :";
- 33 alignment = "left";
- 34 background = "steelBlue";
- 35 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 36 };
- 37 XFtextField social
- 38 {
- 39 x = 220; y = 55; width = 160; height = 40;
- 40 background = "steelBlue";
- 41 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 42 };
- 43 XFlabel emplName
- 44 {
- 45 x = 10; y = 100; width = 100; height = 30;
- 46 label = "Employer :"; background = "steelBlue";
- 47 alignment = "left";
- 48 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 49 };
- 50 XFtextField employer
- 51 {
- 52 x = 120; y = 100; width = 260; height = 40;
- 53 background = "steelBlue";
- 54 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 55 };
- 56 XFlabel addName
- 57 {
- 58 x = 10; y = 145; width = 200; height = 30;
- 59 label = "Address :";
- 60 background = "steelBlue";
- 61 alignment = "left";
- 62 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 14, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 63 };
- 64 XFtext address
- 65 {
- 66 x = 120; y = 145; width = 260; height = 80;
- 67 background = "steelBlue";
- 68 fontRequest = {"Times", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 69 };
- 70 upon Construct
- 71 {
- 72 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 73 }
- 74 on Quit
- 75 {
- 76 "Exit" => theApp;
- 77 }
- 78 } topShell { width = 400; height = 320; background = "steelBlue";
- 79 title = "Form";};
6.2.20 XFscrollBar
The class XFscrollBar provides a widget to control the scrolling of the viewing area in other widgets. It allows users to view data that are too large to be displayed all at once, and is usually adjacent to the widget that contains the data for viewing.
Section 6.2.10, "XFsimple - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
XFscrollBar Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
minimum | integer | the minimum value of the slider | 0 | CGS |
maximum | integer | the maximum value of the slider | 100 | CGS |
position | integer | the slider's position | 0 | CGS |
increment | integer | amount the position changes due to the user's moving the thumb1 increment | 1 | CGS |
pageIncrement | integer | amount the position changes due to user's moving thumb 1 page increment. | 10 | CGS |
orientation | string | direction the scrollbar is displayed. Values are "vertical" and "horizontal". | "vertical" | CG |
XFscrollBar Activities
Activity | Keys | Description |
Increment | integer position | Thumb's position incremented by one. |
Decrement | same | Thumb's position decremented by one. |
PageIncrement | same | Thumb's position incremented by one page. |
PageDecrement | same | Thumb's position decremented by one page. |
ThumbTrack | same | The position of the thumb changes while being dragged. |
ThumbPosition | same | Thumb has changed position. |
- 1 uses "nro.adl"@"StdLib";
- 2 class colorLabel: XFlabel
- 3 {
- 4 upon Create: string bg
- 5 {background=bg; label=bg; x=0; y=0 width=80; height=50;}
- 6 };
- 7 class Sequence : XFlayout
- 8 {
- 9 colorLabel {"Create", "darkOrchid"} => purple { x = 0; };
- 10 colorLabel {"Create", "lightBlue"} => lightBlue { x = 80; };
- 11 colorLabel {"Create", "plum"} => plum { x = 160;};
- 12 colorLabel {"Create", "orange"} => orange { x = 240;};
- 13 colorLabel {"Create", "red"} => red { x = 320;};
- 14 colorLabel {"Create", "yellow"} => yellow { x = 400;};
- 15 colorLabel {"Create", "green"} => green { x = 480;};
- 16 colorLabel {"Create", "royalBlue"} => royalBlue { x = 560;};
- 17 list colors={"darkOrchid","lightBlue","plum","orange",
- 18 "red","yellow","green","royalBlue"};
- 19 };
- 20 anonymous: XFtop
- 21 {
- 22 Sequence samples { x = 30; y = 195; width = 640; height = 50; };
- 23 // Create a horizontal scrollbar that acts as a slider
- 24 XFscrollBar slider
- 25 {
- 26 orientation = "horizontal";
- 27 x = 30; y = 245; width = 640; height = 30;
- 28 //Set the scroll range
- 29 minimum = 1; maximum = 8;
- 30 };
- 31 // Create a notification request object to subscribe for
- 32 // the XFscrollBar's ThumbPosition activity
- 33 vanillaNro {"Create","ThumbPosition",self,"ChangeColor", {}}
- 34 => colorNro;
- 35 XFlabel colorSample
- 36 {
- 37 label = ""; x = 60; y = 30; width = 580; height = 120;
- 38 borderWidth = 3;
- 39 };
- 40 XFbutton ExitButton
- 41 {
- 42 x = 300; y = 290; width = 100; height = 60;
- 43 label="Quit";
- 44 fontRequest={"Helvetica", 18, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 45 };
- 46 on ChangeColor : list unused
- 47 {
- 48 // Whenever slider's thumb changes because of user input change
- 49 // labels background color to the appropriate color in sequence
- 50 colorSample.background = at(slider.position, samples.colors);
- 51 }
- 52 on Exit
- 53 {
- 54 "Exit" => theApp;
- 55 }
- 56 upon Construct
- 57 {
- 58 {"Subscribe", &colorNro } => slider;
- 59 // Initialize the color sample to the first in the sequence
- 60 {"ChangeColor", {}} => self;
- 61 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Exit", self };
- 62 }
- 63 } colors { width = 700; height = 360; title = "Color Sequence";};
6.2.21 XFmenuItem - Abstract
The class XFmenuItem is an abstract class that represents all the different kinds of items that can be placed in a menu such as XFmenuSeparators, XFmenuCommands, and XFmenus.
Section 6.1.2, "Activity Manager - Abstract" page 116
Section 6.1.3, "Attribute Manager - Abstract" page 118
For a sample program, see "XFmenu, XFmenuCommand, and XFmenuSeparator" ("XFmenuSeparator" page 162).
6.2.22 XFmenuLabeledItem - Abstract
The class XFmenuLabeledItem is an abstract class that represents labeled items that can be placed in a menu such as XFmenuCommands and XFmenus.
Section 6.2.21, "XFmenuItem - Abstract" page 159
XFmenuLabeledItem Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
enabled | boolean | Defines whether the menu item is enabled or not | TRUE | CGS |
label | string | text to be displayed in the menu item label. | Defined by subclass | CGS |
mnemonic (only on UNIX) | string | Defines the key that can be used in conjunction with a modifier key to post a PullDownMenu. Platforms that support this attribute underline the character in the label string that matches the mnemonic. This attribute is ignored on the Mac platform | " " | CGS |
6.2.23 XFmenu
The class XFmenu represents a logical menu that can be instantiated into a physical menu such as a menu bar, a pull-down menu or a pop-up menu, on demand. Applications typically create different menu systems by creating an instance (or instances) of this class and attaching them to other objects. For example, to create a menu bar, an application can create an XFmenu object (or objects) and attach it to an existing XFtop object.
Section 6.2.22, "XFmenuLabeledItem - Abstract" page 159
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon ConstructTop
This constructor should be used when the XFmenu object to be created is the top-most menu.
upon Create: handle hContainer
Alternate constructor; hContainer is a handle to its container menu.
XFmenu Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
tearOff (only on UNIX) | boolean | Defines whether the menu is a tear-off menu or not. This attribute works as a hint to the platforms that support this kind of menus | FALSE | CGS |
For a sample program, see "XFmenu, XFmenuCommand, and XFmenuSeparator" ("XFmenuSeparator" page 162).
6.2.24 XFmenuCommand
The class XFmenuCommand represents menu items that initiate some command as they are selected.
Section 6.2.22, "XFmenuLabeledItem - Abstract" page 159
upon Construct
Default constructor.
upon Create: handle hContainer
Alternate constructor; hContainer is a handle to its container menu.
XFmenuCommand Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
accelerator (onlyon UNIX) | string | Defines the key that can be used in conjunction with the command key (Command or Ctrl) as a direct shortcut to invoke a menu item without popping up its menu pane. Platforms display a readable representation of this key sequence to the right of the item in the menu. | " " | CGS |
For a sample program, see "XFmenu, XFmenuCommand, and XFmenuSeparator" ("XFmenuSeparator" page 162).
6.2.25 XFmenuSeparator
The class XFmenuSeparator represents a menu item that separates other items in a menu by drawing a horizontal line between them.
Section 6.2.21, "XFmenuItem - Abstract" page 159
- 1 // Create a subclass of XFmenu to include several menuItems
- 2 class XFtopMenu: XFmenu
- 3 {
- 4 upon Construct
- 5 init { "ConstructTop" => XFmenu }
- 6 {
- 7 }
- 8 };
- 9
- 10 anonymous: XFtop
- 11 {
- 12 // Create the logical menu structure
- 13 anonymous: XFtopMenu
- 14 {
- 15 anonymous: XFmenu
- 16 {
- 17 XFmenuCommand quit { label = "Quit"; accelerator = "Q"; };
- 18 } fileMenu { label = "File"; mnemonic = "F"; };
- 19 anonymous: XFmenu
- 20 {
- 21 XFmenuCommand add { label = "Add"; accelerator = "A"; };
- 22 XFmenuCommand reset { label = "Reset"; accelerator = "R"; };
- 23 XFmenuSeparator separator;
- 24 XFmenuCommand removeCmd { label="Remove"; accelerator="v"; };
- 25 } testMenu { label = "Test"; mnemonic = "T"; tearOff = TRUE;};
- 26 } mainMenu;
- 27
- 28 Nro {"Create","MenuCommand",self,"MenuCommand",{}}=> menuCmdNro;
- 29
- 30 on Init
- 31 {
- 32 // Attach the logical menu to an XFtop menuBar
- 33 menuBar = &mainMenu;
- 34 // Subscribe for any menuCommand in the physical XFtop's menu
- 35 {"Subscribe", &menuCmdNro} => self;
- 36 }
- 37
- 38 // This method gets called when a command is selected
- 39 on MenuCommand: any clientData, list keys, list values
- 40 {
- 41 string command = at(1,values);
- 42 // Call the command method
- 43 command ?=> self;
- 44 }
- 45
- 46 on Quit
- 47 {
- 48 "Exit" => theApp;
- 49 }
- 50
- 51 on Add
- 52 {
- 53 // Add was selected do something
- 54 echo("Add selected \n");
- 55 }
- 56
- 57 on Reset
- 58 {
- 59 // Reset was selected do something
- 60 echo("Reset selected \n");
- 61 }
- 62
- 63 on Remove
- 64 {
- 65 // Remove was selected do something
- 66 echo("Remove selected \n");
- 67 }
- 68
- 69 } top { width = 100; height = 100; };
6.2.26 XFfont
The XFfont class represent font objects that are commonly used with other XF classes such as XFlabel, XFtext and so on. This class provides constructors to create fonts from explicit information including the font name, size, style, and encoding.
upon Create: string fontName, integer size, list style, string encoding
FontName: the name of the font, such as 'helvetica, 'times, 'fixed, 'symbol, 'courier. Other generic font names are defined on the Macintosh platform and will soon be defined on the other platforms. These generic names are: "applicationFont", "textFont", "typewriterFont", and "systemFont". To ensure better font handling across the different platforms, system configurations, and languages, use of these generic names is recommended.
Size: size of the font.
Style: a list of types, which may contain any of: 'bold, 'italic, 'underline, 'underlineDouble, 'underlineDotted, 'superscript, 'subscript, 'outline, 'smallCaps.
Encoding: one of 'roman, 'japanese, 'arabic, 'hebrew, 'greek, 'symbol.
This special constructor creates a font object from the given information. AthenaMuse 2 attempts to find the best match for the font requested; the members described below can be examined to see exactly what font is being used.
XFfont Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Default | Access |
fontName | string | current font name | platform | G |
size | integer | current font size | platform | G |
style | list | list of styles for current font | platform | G |
encoding | string | current font encoding | platform | G |
The following example shows several uses of the XFfont class.
- 1 uses "nro.adl"@"StdLib";
- 2
- 3 anonymous : XFtop
- 4 {
- 5 // Create different fonts to include in selection list
- 6 XFfont{"Create","Times",12,{},"roman"} => Times12;
- 7 XFfont{"Create","Times",14,{},"roman"} => Times14;
- 8 XFfont{"Create","Times",24,{},"roman"} => Times24;
- 9 XFfont{"Create","Times",14,{"bold"},"roman"} => TimesBold;
- 10 XFfont{"Create","Times",14,{"italic"},"roman"} => TimesItalic;
- 11 XFfont{"Create","Times",14,{"bold","italic"},"roman"}=>TimesBItalic;
- 12 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 12, {}, "roman"} => Helv12;
- 13 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 14, {}, "roman"} => Helv14;
- 14 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 24, {}, "roman"} => Helv24;
- 15 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 36, {}, "roman"} => Helv36;
- 16 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 14, {"bold"},"roman"} =>HelvBold;
- 17 XFfont{"Create","Helvetica", 14, {"italic"},"roman"}=>HelvItalic;
- 18 XFfont{"Create","Symbol",14,{}, "symbol"} => Symbol;
- 19
- 20 list fonts={&Times12, &Times14, &Times24, &TimesBold, &TimesItalic,
- 21 &TimesBItalic, &Helv12, &Helv14, &Helv24, &Helv36, &HelvBold,
- 22 &HelvItalic, &Symbol};
- 23
- 24 XFlabel fontSample
- 25 {
- 26 y = 230; width = 450; height = 100;
- 27 label = "The quick brown fox";
- 28 background = "steelBlue";
- 29 recomputeSize = FALSE;
- 30 };
- 31
- 32 XFselectList fontList
- 33 {
- 34 x = 75; y = 15;
- 35 width = 300;
- 36 height = 200;
- 37 items = {"Times 12", "Times 14", "Times 24", "Times Bold",
- 38 "Times Italic", "Times Bold & Italic",
- 39 "Helvetica 12","Helvetica 14","Helvetica 24","Helvetica 36",
- 40 "Helvetica Bold","Helvetica Italic", "Symbol font"};
- 41 // Setting the fontRequest attribute creates an XFfont object
- 42 // that is then assigned to the font attribute
- 43 fontRequest = {"Helvetica", 12, {"bold"}, "roman"};
- 44 };
- 45
- 46 XFbutton ExitButton
- 47 {
- 48 x = 175;
- 49 y = 355;
- 50 width = 100;
- 51 height = 60;
- 52 label = "Quit";
- 53 //Set the button's font to be Helvetica, 18 points, and bold.
- 54 //Create the font dynamically and then assign it to
- 55 //the font attribute which expects a font handle.
- 56 font=new {"Create", "Helvetica",18, {"bold"},"roman"}=>XFfont;
- 57 };
- 58
- 59 // Create a notification request object for the
- 60 // XFselectList's Selection activity
- 61 vanillaNro {"Create","Selection", self "ChangeFont",{}}=>FontNro;
- 62
- 63 upon Construct
- 64 {
- 65 ExitButton.Pressed = {"Quit", self };
- 66 {"Subscribe", &FontNro } => fontList;
- 67 }
- 68
- 69 on ChangeFont : list clientData
- 70 {
- 71 string item;
- 72 integer position = 1;
- 73 list selection = "GetSelectedItems" => fontList;
- 74 if (!isEmpty(selection))
- 75 {
- 76 position = {"GetItemPos", at(1,selection) } => fontList;
- 77 fontSample.font = at(position, fonts);
- 78 }
- 79 }
- 80
- 81 on Quit
- 82 {
- 83 echo("Quitting...\n");
- 84 "Exit" => theApp;
- 85 }
- 86
- 87 } topShell { width = 450; height = 450;
- 88 background = "steelBlue"; title = "Fonts";};
6.2.27 XGPainter
The XGpainter interface provides a simple set of operations and represents the necessary state to perform 2D drawing. Many of the methods described use lists as the representation for points with the idea that it can be used for both 2D and 3D graphics. For instance if we were to draw a line from (1,2) to (10,10) we would make a call similar to:
{"DrawLine", {1,2}, {10,10} } => myPainter;
Section 6.2.11, "XFfontable - Abstract" page 138
upon Construct
Default constructor. This should set the members into a useful default.
upon Create: handle hParent
Alternate constructor; hParent is a handle to its container widget.
on ClearDrawingArea
Clears (erases) the entire drawing area.
on DrawPoint: list point
Draws the given point with the current penWidth and color.
on DrawPoints: list points
Draws the given points with the current penWidth and color.
on DrawLine: list point1, list point2
Draws a line from point1 to point2 with the current penWidth and color.
on DrawPolyLine: list points
Draws a line segment from the first point to the second point, then from the second point to the third, and so on.
on DrawRectangle: list origin, integer width, integer height
Draws the outline of a rectangle with the current penWidth and color.
on FillRectangle: list origin, integer width, integer height
Fills the specified rectangle with the current color.
on DrawEllipse: list origin, integer width, integer height
Draws the outline of an ellipse specified by its bounding rectangle with the current penWidth and color.
on FillEllipse: list origin, integer width, integer height
Fills the ellipse specified by its bounding rectangle with the current color.
on DrawPolygon: list points
Draw the outline of the polygon specified by the list of points, using the current penWidth and color.
on FillPolygon: list points
Fills the specified polygon with the current color.
on DrawCircle: list center, integer radius
Draws the outline of the specified circle using the current penWidth and color.
on Fill Circle: list center, integer radius
Fills the specified circle of the given center and radius with the current color.
on DrawText: list startPos, string text
Draws the specified text starting at startPos using the current font.
XGpainter Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Access |
drawingArea | handle | current drawing area. This is a handle to an XFvisual object. | CSG |
penWidth | integer | current width of the pen used to draw | CSG |
fontRequest | list | font requested to be used for text operations | CSG |
font | handle | current font used for text operations | CSG |
color | handle | This is the current color to be used in graphic operations. This is a handle to an MMcolor object. Specifies the raster operation or logical function to be used. Logical functions control how the source pixel values generated by a graphics request are combined with the destination pixel values already present on the screen. These operations are: copy, and, or, and xor. | CSG |
This example using the XGpainter creates a class called Polygon. The anonymous instance derived from XFtop after the Polygon class definition then uses the Polygon class to create a filled square (in black) and a unfilled triangle in yellow.
- 1 XGpainter painter;
- 2
- 3 // Class for a Polygon
- 4 class Polygon
- 5 {
- 6 global XGpainter painter;
- 7
- 8 list points = {}; //list of vertices in form { {x1,y1}, {x2,y2} ...}
- 9 integer lineWidth=1; // width of drawing line
- 10 handle colorHandle; // handle to MMcolor object
- 11 string drawColor='black; // default color
- 12 handle drawParent; // parent widget to draw on
- 13 boolean fill=FALSE; // indicator for filled Polygon
- 14
- 15 // Constructor has parent widget for Polygon as argument
- 16 upon Construct: handle p
- 17 {
- 18 drawParent = p;
- 19 colorHandle= new {'CreateName, drawColor} => MMcolor;
- 20
- 21 }
- 22
- 23 // Destructor deletes the allocated MMcolor object
- 24 on Destroy
- 25 {
- 26 delete colorHandle;
- 27 }
- 28
- 29 // Method to reset the drawing color
- 30 on Set_drawColor: string color
- 31 {
- 32 delete colorHandle;
- 33 drawColor=color;
- 34 colorHandle = new {'CreateName, drawColor} => MMcolor;
- 35 painter.color = colorHandle;
- 36 }
- 37
- 38 // Method that draws the Polygon
- 39 on Draw
- 40 {
- 41
- 42 list fullPoints = points;
- 43
- 44 painter.drawingArea = drawParent;
- 45 painter.penWidth = lineWidth;
- 46 painter.color = colorHandle;
- 47
- 48 if(fill) {
- 49 {'FillPolygon, points} => painter;
- 50 }
- 51 else {
- 52 fullPoints << first(points);
- 53 {'DrawPolygon, fullPoints} => painter;
- 54 }
- 55 }
- 56
- 57 }; /* end of class Polygon */
- 58
- 59 // Anonymous instance derived from XFtop that uses Polygon class
- 60 anonymous:XFtop {
- 61
- 62 XFvisual vis {x=30; y=30; height=200; width=400;};
- 63 // drawing surface
- 64 Polygon {'Construct, &vis} => triangle
- 65 {points={{100,100}, {100,200}, {200,100}};
- 66 drawColor='Green; lineWidth=4;};
- 67 Polygon {'Construct, &vis} => filledSquare
- 68 {points={{10,10}, {100,10}, {100,100}, {10,100}};
- 69 drawColor='Black; fill=TRUE;};
- 70
- 71 XFbutton quitButton {x=250; y=30; label="Quit";};
- 72 // The following NRO is used to Subscribe for refresh events on XFvisual
- 73 Nro {'Create, 'Refresh, self, 'RedrawRefresh, NULL} => redrawNro;
- 74
- 75 upon Construct
- 76 {
- 77 {'Subscribe, &redrawNro} => vis;
- 78 quitButton.Pressed = {'Exit, theApp};
- 79 'Draw => filledSquare;
- 80 'Draw => triangle;
- 81 }
- 82 // This method handles refresh on the XFvisual by redrawing Polygons
- 83 on RedrawRefresh: any cd, list names, list vals
- 84 {
- 85 'Draw => filledSquare;
- 86 'Draw => triangle;
- 87 }
- 88
- 89 } myTop {x=100; y=100; height=300; width=500;};
- Figure 6.5: - User Interface Wrapped Classes Inheritance Tree
- 6.2.1 - XFwidget - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.2 - XFcontainable - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.3 - XFcontainer - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.4 - XFcontainableContainer - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.5 - XFtop
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.6 - XFlayout
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.7 - XFvisual
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.8 - XFhtml
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.9 - XFmessageDlg
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.10 - XFsimple - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.11 - XFfontable - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Attributes
- Activities
- 6.2.12 - XFlabel
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.13 - XFbutton
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.14 - XFtoggleButton - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.15 - XFcheckBox
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.16 - XFradioButton
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.17 - XFselectList
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.18 - XFtext
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.19 - XFtextField
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.20 - XFscrollBar
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.21 - XFmenuItem - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.22 - XFmenuLabeledItem - Abstract
- Superclasses
- Attributes
- 6.2.23 - XFmenu
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.24 - XFmenuCommand
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.25 - XFmenuSeparator
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.26 - XFfont
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
- 6.2.27 - XGPainter
- Superclasses
- Methods
- Attributes
- Activities
- Example
AM2 Documentation - 19 NOV 1996

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