Author: "Chapman; Greg" wrote :
>issue concerning "the Compensation of Team Participation".
>....need to create a "structural model" that would Compensate
>Administration, Faculty, and Staff for Team Participation
>"alongside" their current responsibilities (i.e., the job description) on
>a results-oriented basis.
>(vis., How to resolve "Individual Compensation VS. Team Participation,
>and move toward "Individual AND Team Participation Compensation
>Packages"; while maintaining a coherent respect for balancing results
>with process?
I am going to present some very personal, yet very serious views, as I
observe too many "wasted" sincere effort and "energy" in an issue which is
"Individual Compensation (or rewards) VS. Team Participation" This Focus
is itself a great contradiction. Compensation and Rewards are for TEAM
and only TEAM, not Individual, otherwise it is not a TEAMWORK.
Imagine we are in a stone-age cave. One day we decided that we had to do
hunting for foods. Do we formulate on Individual Compensation & Rewards
scheme? That will be madness. We have to work as a TEAM to do good
hunting otherwise we all die in the cave.
A greater VISION is certainly required to see through these trivial
entangling issues of individual compensation and workload etc. etc. And
this calls for correct and sound Design of Process participation scheme
with the Shared Vision based on sound principles and value.
FOCUS in really not on "individual" "compensation" "reward" but on TEAM.
(I beg your pardon for some of the strong words I use)
Andrew Wong
Organisation Observer and Thinker
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