Empl Involvement and Partic LO12613

Wed, 19 Feb 1997 19:46:48 -0500 (EST)

Re: LO12595 Intro -- Diane Korzeniewski

I hope you don't mind me changing the name of the thread. I think it's
more appropriate. [Host's Note: Changing the subject line is just fine.

Barry asked what the metric was for "high level of satisfaction" with
regards to my question on employee/management partnerships.

I think one set of metrics would come under "Employee Satisfaction". The
subjects within "Customer Satisfaction" are quite broad. I have to
believe employee satisfaction would be comprised of many elements, as
well. How satisfied are employees with their work environment, their
relationships with their supervisors, communication, development, etc? Do
they feel their leadership is taking them in the right direction?

I hope this answers the question.

Diane Korzeniewski



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