Analyzing Performance Deficiencies LO12609
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 08:30:29 -0500 (EST)

I'm working with a company that's striving to become a Learning
Organization. We're looking at how an individual learner can determine the
cause of a given performance deficiency (and then, depending on the cause,
address it with the appropriate learning activity).

I'd welcome your ideas and/or suggestions of references on the following:

1. What might be causing the performance deficiency (assume that it's NOT
caused by lack of ability)? For example, lack of concepts, lack of skills,
lack of rules, etc.

2. How would you define/differentiate each type of cause in #1?

3. What questions should a learner ask him/herself to help decide what's
behind a given performance deficiency? For example: Do you have a clear
understanding of the key ideas that underlie the given performance? If
not, your deficiency might be lack of concepts.

I look forward to your ideas.

Judy Steele


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