Voluntary Organizations LO12529

Thu, 13 Feb 1997 08:55:16 -0600

Replying to LO12521

in which Kristina Kovaite wrote:

>The main motivation factor is personal development. Voluntary
>organisations where the conditions for personal development are created
>the rotation and change of people in less than in other conditions. Why?
>A human being is an egoistic being. So what's the benefit from working
>if there is no money. It is the understanding that it is your investment
>into future and future earnings and welfare.

In our work with 'leaders' within my company, we have suggested a
variation on this idea. Given today's job market in our locale, and given
the volatility of the employment situation for people with computer
skills, you can reasonably assume that _everyone_ who works with you is a
volunteer. They could quite likely leave employment here and find another
position within days, or even hours -- and probably at a pay increase!

So what would you do differently if you thought of yourself not as a
manager, but rather as a 'volunteer coordinator'? Or possibly even a
'community activist / community organizer'? How do you match people's
interests and even passions with the needs of the organization? In an era
where long-term commitment and loyalty between individual and organization
has evaporated, how do you discover a way to get people to look forward to
going to work each day? To bringing their whole selves in with them --
muscles and heart and brain and knowledge and...

Kristina continues:

>It is the understanding that it is your investment into future and
>future earnings and welfare.

Right! It's about investment and hope and contribution and recognition
(maybe) -- the kinds of things that brings volunteers out to make their
marks in the world.

Michael A

Michael Ayers
  mbayers@mmm.com          Voice (612) 733-5690          FAX (612) 737-7718
  IT Educ & Perf Svcs\3M Center 224-2NE-02\PO Box 33224\St Paul MN 55133-3224
  "Sometimes the right question is, 'Are we asking the right question?'"
Ideas contained in this note represent the author's opinions and do not 
intentionally represent the positions of anyone else in this galaxy.

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>