I am a registered nurse with 20+ years of experience in critical care
At this time I have three years of experience working as a project
manager/consultant within an internal consulting department at the same
hospital I have been with for 15 years. My primary responsibilities are
in leading clinical redesign projects and as a researcher assisting with
new business and model development.
Unofficially I consider myself to be a "seed carrier" (Senge), bringing
the elements of the learning org forward in a grassroots-type effort with
a small but growing group of others in the organization. We do have "top
down support" to develop as a LO but limited knowledge at the top of what
the LO really is (still working on that). Also endure some at mid
levelers who say things like "we already are a LO" or "just more of that
soft stuff". Enough said about seeing the beauty in diversity!
I first became interested in LO concepts and tools when the Fieldbook came
out and have since read much of the management/leadership material in
publication (even Peters). I enjoy it all as a potpouri of thought and a
basis for synthesis of my own thoughts and style.
I have attended the MIT/OLC course taught by Senge and Kim which is when
my commitment to becoming a learning person took form. I don't want to
sound like someone trying to sell you on becoming involved with Amway, but
my life really has changed since that experience.
I am most interested at this point in team learning and the dynamics of
relationships in teams. I'm also fascinated by finding different routes
to helping others to learn...such as working with diverse mental models
more effectively, physical learning techniques, and using more of the
systems archetypes with greater confidence.
Although I'm still a newbie to this list I do plan to become more than a
listener at some point soon.
--Janis Noone JanNoone@aol.com
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>