Why? LO12527

Matthew Holmes (HOLMES_M@WMGMAIL.wmg.warwick.ac.uk)
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 09:43:02 -0000

In reply to Debbie Broom LO12470

I do agree that in some cases being 'incremental' is a valuable approach
although I am not certain that I am cofortable with the term 'hidden'. In
situations where an organisation has run for too long without addressing
the need to change, step change or at least rapid incremental change is
often necessary - without it, it is likely that someone will impose change
from outside - an altoghether more terrifying prospect for most

I am not certain either that I agree with the statement that it is ****
human nature to resist ******. I find it too generalised. Is it not more
true to say that it is human nature to resist change in which they can
perceive no personal benefit?

If this is the case then the approach to gaining commitment and buy-in for
any change programme be it structural, process or cultural must be to
identify what it is that individuals will consider to be of benefit to
them and demonstrating how the approaches that you are advocating will
lead to these benefits.

In doing so it must be recognised that every one will perceive different
benefits - stemming from their own personal belief systems - and that
every one will need a different approach to the demonstration of the

Models, generalisations and stereotypes can be very useful AND are also
very dangerous. Particularly when maling assumptions about the belief and
values of the employees of an organisation. Example - the shop floor
workers of an aircraft factory in which I used to work who having been
written off us dull, unimaginative and uncreative then over night
transformed a recently painted (ocean blue) shop floor in to a parody of
life on the wave - Sea serpents made from air ducts, beer bottles with SOS
notes etc - Meanwhile the management team - portayed as creative, dynamic
problem solvers - ran a business that delivered products at a loss, had
over 5000 shortages to programme at any time, had 55% stock accuracy etc.
Because all their enegry was being wasted on ridiculous playground

But I digress - Don't Hide things - Be Open and Honest - In the way in
which you talk to people and the way in which you listen.



Matthew Holmes
E-mail >matthew.holmes@warwick.ac.uk<
Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick, UK


Matthew Holmes <HOLMES_M@WMGMAIL.wmg.warwick.ac.uk>

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