Intro -- Brian Cox LO12489

Brian Cox (
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 20:52:18 +0000

This is a re-intro, due to my lapse of membership over the last year.

I am a self-funded part-time Ph.D. student with the University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow.

My academic study are concerned with looking at whether scenario planning
(workshops) increase organisational learning, both at an individual level
and at a group level within a management team.

In particular, I am interested in the changes in individuals' cognitive
maps, before and after a series of scenario planning workshops; whether
maps can be 'improved' - more appropriate to what is needed etc.

Currently, I am reading up on ways of capturing cognitive maps and how
these can be compared; to measure commonality between individuals' maps
and changes over time as a result of these interventions.


[Host's Note: Welcome back, Brian!]


Brian Cox <>

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