I just recently left Arthur D. Little to form a company as result of the
increasing demand for a "Learning Intranet". I have set one up at the
Census Bureau and am now in the process of setting one up at the FAA.
At the heart of our Learning Intranet is a set of software tools that
capture observation, insights, and lessons learned to build a common
knowledge respository.
The central activity is the creation and maintainance of a living
blueprint of the enterprise while fostering the creation of new knowedge.
For the FAA, as an example, the primary task is the Business Process
Reengineering of the Requirements Process. The Intranet is used to provide
a collaborative modeling environment where managers and staff can explore
and challenge their mental models. As the models are generated, the
models, the business vision, business terminology, business rules,
observations, insights, and lessons learned are stored in a central
repository and also published back out on an Intranet Page.
The methodology we use is Object-Oriented Change and Learning to
facilitate, model, and manage the organizational learning process.
A good book to read is "Modeling for Learning Organizations" by Morecroft.
Several discussions and case studies by Senge and others concerning
Learning by Modeling.
-- Ed Swanstrom AGILIS CorporationProviders of the The Learning Intranet (tm) and Object-Oriented Change and Learning (tm) <http://www.erols.com/edswan>
E-Mail: <edswan@erols.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>