I have recently subscribed to this 'learning organisation' and am
fascinated by the volume and diversity of questions, views, thoughts and
sources of further information being exchanged. I will feel more able to
contribute effectively once I have read your postings over a few days to
get a better feel of what is going on.
I work for the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick in
the UK. The group provides education, training, technical research and
support for business development and change programmes to manufacturing
industry. My own role is as a lecturer (in topics as diverse as
Communication for Effective Management of Change, How to Develop and
Implement Competitive Strategies, the use of various re-engineering tools
in support of change programmes, Time Based Manufacturing Strategy) and as
a facilitator of change working in support of in-company change
As such I am very interested in the concept of the 'Learning Organisation'
and how the principles and approaches involved can lead to quicker and
more effective generation and adoption of innovative ideas for business
development and new product introduction. bla bla.....
.... enough about myself for now, as I said at the start, I will begin to
take an active involvement when I have got more of a feel for the system.
Have I sparked any interest yet?
I look forward to some interesting dialogues with you all in the future.
Matthew Holmes
Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick, UK
--Matthew Holmes <HOLMES_M@WMGMAIL.wmg.warwick.ac.uk>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>