Disappointment -- No soul? LO11820

Donald (safe@erols.com)
Sat, 04 Jan 1997 18:27:02 -0800

Replying to LO11814 --

Richard K. Berger wrote:
> Dear At de Lange and the list:
..... snipped ....
>it is harder to be open on this list than in most
> environments I have encountered over the years. The goal of this list
> is to promote participatory learning in organizations, but in this
> list I (rightly or wrongly) perceive a culture of profess ors teaching
> students. Do others feel this way, or are my perceptions in error?
> Thanks again, At de Lange, for a moving post.

I agree with your assesment of the referenced posting, and have added
it to my collection... and I agree with your statement of the difficulty
feeling free in posting... i really don't feel free to explain


Donald E. Jennings ------------------------------------------------- --- --- Spectrum Analysis --- --- --- --- & --------- --------- Frequency Engineering --- --- --- --- --------- --------- --------- --------- safe @ erols . com ---------

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