Some of the topics that I want to cover in the second half of the course
-Re-engineering ( focus on some school-related process or improving some
common kitchen gadget)
-Resolving conflicts and disputes using lateral thinking.
-Spotting and creating business opportunities
-Conducting an Innovation Audit/Inventory by telephone with a local
business/manufacturer (term project)
-Exploring Organizational barriers to Creativity/Innovation
The first half will focus on teaching and applying thinking skills.
I'm looking for more application ideas, keeping in mind that students have
3 hours in class per week for 16 weeks and very little extra time.
Students should be able to cover a topic area in the 3 hour period as well
as hand in an individual or group assignment at the end of each class.
What else are organizations applying creative thinking too ?
Season's Greetings
Walter Derzko
(N.B. Please reply by 27/12/96 since I'm out of the country from
29/12/96 to the 14/1/97)
--Walter Derzko <>
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