Since October we have established a Networking for Knowledge Group which
meets monthly. Our next Networking for Knowledge meeting will be held
Saturday, January 4, 1997, from 3- 4:30 PM in the Boston area. If anyone
on this list would like to attend, please contact me for details.
However, based on our meetings and interactions since the initial
invitation, the ending of this invitation has changed to: "Who knows where
this might lead, what we will learn from each other, or who we might
become together."
Those attending our Networking for Knowledge Group set the agenda.
Basic premises:
1. A wealth of knowledge exists and can be generated among people with a
passion for learning and a willingness to explore connections across
traditional boundaries.
2. "We either get used to thinking about the subtle processes of
learning and sharing knowledge in dispersed, transient networks Or we
perish," Tom Peters (1994)
Participants, regardless of their backgrounds (which are quite varied),
find the group beneficial and stimulating. Participants have established
multiple connections that did not exist before- also including business
opportunities. Many list members who are unable to attend write to find
out what's happening.
Some comments from participants: Considering the interconnections that
exist among ideas and people has expanded my own thinking." " has given
diverse a new dimension." "My concept of Future has expanded." "How can
we help each other is a powerful concept." "Networking, relationship
building, learning and fun go hand in hand." (For more specifics, visit
the URL below. Note the editorial.)
Hope you can attend. We also welcome your input on shaping the agenda.
Any suggestion?
--Carol Sager, Sager Educational Enterprises Critical Linkages II Newsletter; 21 Wallis Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167; V.(617)469-9644; Fax(same)-9639 Carol Sager <>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>