Still, then, the concept of guarding some levels and kinds of information
for the benefit of the organization remains not necessarily wrong or bad.
At 07:06 AM 12/18/96 EST, you wrote:
>Richard Berger asked of me:
>>What if your release of a company's trade secrets would have a likely
>>affect of destroying a small company that you had been consulting with?
>>Would you guard the secret and along with it the company and the
>>livelihoods of its employees? Or, would you on principle release the
>>secret in order to "support learning" to the company's competitors?
>As a human resources consultant specializing in Compensation and
>Performance Management, I have little exposure to a company's "trade
>secrets" and very seldonly work with organizations that are in direct
>competition in their product market. However, they are very often in
>competitive labor markets.
>The type of information that I share across organizations relates to
>organizational effectiveness practices. I may describe how a client has
>replaced individual bonuses with a gainsharing program to shift employee
>focus from individual results to organizational results. I often arrange
>meetings among my clients to discuss what they are doing to develop a team
>based organization or to encourage cultural change. Because of the nature
>of my work, I have not had to be concerned with the more sensitive issues
>related to "trade secrets".
>Roxanne Abbas
--"Richard K. Berger" <>
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