Gary Scherling responded to one of my previous questions:
> As a good friend of mine Ray shared with me on Saturday, the money
> side of the issue is really moot. (He should know...he's a
> multi-millionaire...he's had all the toys, all the 'things' and has
> realized that the real value is yourself and the good with other
> people.) If you've got a job you really don't enjoy, and are
> looking
> forward to the rest of you life, you should consider all the time
> you're investing in something you are 'only working to finance the
> rest of their lives'. And time is something we cannot replace.
Are you saying that those who are only working to finance the rest of
their lives have made a choice which will marginalize them as economic
participants? How much commitment to the workplace is the basic minimum?
Is there agreement to this view from other list members?
sr (Stephen Rojak )
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