Management Commitment LO8601

Mon, 22 Jul 96 11:37:07 EST

Replying to LO8550 --

Stephen Rojak asked some interesting questions:

> What happens to those of us who are only working to finance
> the rest of their lives?

As a good friend of mine Ray shared with me on Saturday, the money
side of the issue is really moot. (He should know...he's a
multi-millionaire...he's had all the toys, all the 'things' and has
realized that the real value is yourself and the good with other
people.) If you've got a job you really don't enjoy, and are looking
forward to the rest of you life, you should consider all the time
you're investing in something you are 'only working to finance the
rest of their lives'. And time is something we cannot replace.

> And what prevents me from using this as a pretext for turning
> the whole company into a cocoon of people who mirror my beliefs?

Nothing prevents you, but if everyone is only working to finance the
rest of their lives, then the company itself will not be viable long
term, because the lack of value to each other and society will
eventually poison the company.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


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