Why is Wealth Important? LO8602

GSCHERL (GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca)
Mon, 22 Jul 96 11:32:05 EST

Replying to LO8533 --

From Keith Cowan:

> Another "report" suggests that winners [of] lotteries are no
> happier one year after their winning than they were before.
> However. my fundamental believe is "To thyne own self be true".

Consider these quotes from Jim Rohn:

"Pity the man who inherits a million dollars and isn't a millionaire.
Here's what would be pitiful, if your income grew and you didn't"

'Found' money is not the answer. It is the discovery of the greatness
within you that is the true wealth for each of us. Once we start
recognizing our own greatness, then all the wealth of the universe
(whether monetary or other) will be attracted to us.

"Success is not to be pursued. It is to be attracted by the person we

It is our pursuit of as Ben Compton put it:

> It seems true to me that once someone experiences the
> transformational power of Personal Mastery they naturally want
> to share it. ... It is learning "how" to do this that evokes our
> greatness, not merely having the desire. . .

We all have to learn how, and I'll pose this question, how do you
learn how? Where do you go? Who do you seek out?

The people who have already acheived it.

And where do you find these people?

If they truly have achieved Personal Mastery, you'll find them in the
'Who's Who?" , and they will be wealthy.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca (GSCHERL)

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