On 1 Jul 96 at 10:09, bmyers@gelman.com wrote:
> Robert's probably thinking of "The Deming Management Method" by
> Mary Walton, 1986 from Perigee Books. ISBN 0-399-55001-1. I
> found this book to be a very good introduction to Deming, but
> may be too basic for people already established in the quality
> field.
You are correct, though Walton has done several books. I still really like
the Crosby books (early ones), but haven't actually seen anything by
Deming himself in our bookstores (very weird). I would probably pick one
book from each of Deming, Juran, and Crosby. I get the feeling Crosby and
Juran don't much like each other, so that's good, because it means
different perspectives.
Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication
dbt359@freenet.mb.ca, Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(204 888-9290.
--"Robert Bacal" <dbt359@freenet.mb.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>