Gary Scherling lists:
a) For large investments in training, individuals can and do leave and
command larger salaries at other companies. The company that does the
training is left with the cost and no benefit. This has happened, but
if there is an appropriate plan to get the now trained employee to a
resonable salary, and that can be demonstrated to the employee, I
think this is mainly a 'fear' of management.
e) You can hire people with the skills, it appears time consuming,
difficult and long to train staff internally, when you can just put an
ad and hire someone.
I love the circularity of this. Who trains the people you hire in e) ?
But then it would be awash. If a) happens to you, you do e). You may even
end up paying the amount you would pay in a).
I am, though, heartened by more companies supporting directly the K12
schools as well as Community Colleges. They are realizing that the results
of the education system has a direct impact on the skills of the people
they hire and that they should have some input.
I have been involved in training in use of software for several years. I
can certainly _see_ the benefits and savings, but can have a hard time
measuring them.
Guy W. March (Guy W. March)
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