Nothing is completely irrelevant LO5685

William J. Hobler, Jr. (
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 16:59:04 -0500

Replying to LO5662 --

Enrique Fuentes wrote

>I believe that the type of organisation that is capable of learning has to
>understand this concept and be able to respond to change in the
>environment quickly ..., searching to establish, as quickly as possible
>to the new situations it has to face.

The organization would be more successful if it were to anticipate change
and influence it. In many cases these days 'responding' doesn't seem to
be enough. Major transnational corporations are establishing standards
and influencing governments to their advantage. If the company is not as
influential they must learn what is going to happen and apply the
knowledge in innovative ways, before the change takes the opportunity from

>I think that this happens with organisations, you begin to create
>"protocols" or "frames" to respond to certain situations

IMHO the goal is to hone your capability to position yourself to take
advantage of change. To use your driving analogy. When a potential
accident situation is recognized the driver should position the car and
ready him/her self to avoid or mitigate the consequences of the accident.
This may include such things as placing the car in a controlled four wheel
drift. To people who have not learned this technique it is

The organization that has learned counterintuitive behavior should be in a
better position to take on the future.

>The concept of the environment in equilibrium can only be present under
>two conditions, in a dead system or an extremely entalpic one that
>consumes incredible amounts of energy.

All environments are dynamic but the rate of change is relative. It seems
that there are plateaus and precipices. Consider the history of
scientific advancement. It is a history of spurts and starts. During the
periods of relatively slow change the organization must learn what is
ahead, and the skills to exploit the impending change.

----- ( William J. Hobler, Jr.) Bill -----

"William J. Hobler, Jr." <>

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