Pay increases LO5619

Donald R. Clarke (
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 11:25:42 -0600 (MDT)

Replying to LO5561 --

On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, William J. Hobler, Jr. wrote:
> Are there not several value streams here, each with its own 'customer
> group'. In addition the value streams have differing objectives.

[...big snip by your host...]

> A simple solution to the balance of product delivery, return on investment
> and fair pay for labor is not available. One must examine the full fabric
> of the corporation.

Bill, What I was (not very clearly) trying to imply was that compensation
for shareholders and employees can to some degree be considered
interedepent, as a system.

Consider compensation for shareholders to be dividends and or share value
appreciation, and for employees to be wages and benefits. Bot
compensations depend on business success. If all profit goes to
shareholders, then employees lose, then the business loses, and ultimately
the shareholders lose too. If all profits go to employees, then dividends
dispapear and investment vanisthteds, which woudl ruin the buiness, the
shareholders, and the emplyees. So there must be a split of profits, and
the question is how and to what degree that division is made in order that
all parties are satisfied.

If, somehow, the company leadership developed, in conjuction with the
shareholders and employees (and customers?), a common compensation system
for all involved, per

"Donald R. Clarke" <>

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