LO and Big Layoffs LO5554

Andrew Moreno (amoreno@broken.ranch.org)
Mon, 12 Feb 1996 09:31:05 -0800 (PST)

Replying to LO5505 --

On Sat, 10 Feb 1996 OrgPsych@aol.com wrote:

> Again, perhaps I don't have enough information to fully understand
> Andrew's proposition. What does anyone else think?

I'd also like to say I think you raise some very valid points. I wanted
to add another comment.

For the countries that are still in the agricultural stage, complexity
management tools can help build a foundation for long term rise in living
standards - a win/win orientation - for SME's and larger organizations IF
they do decide to leapfrog to an information based economy.

I think, and this is just a guess, that the gross imbalance in living
standards in SE Asia NIC's is partly caused by all the "free riding" that
those NIC's did in the past. I think the adage "nothing comes for free,
someone has to pay for it in the long term" really applies here.

Many of the NIC's economies in SE Asia were built on the concept of "free
riding" or basically, _use US or european technology behind their backs
without giving adequate compensation in return_. This is what I mean by
win/lose orientation.

Complexity management tools like IM can help countries "build the
foundation for the future" for long term economic development - raising
the standard of living of every person in those countries.

Complexity management tools can help SME's and larger organizations in
those countries to make things win/win. A win/win orientation is the
foundation for long term rise in living standards for all people.

Win/win orientation is basically making agreements with the stakeholders
involved that fulfill their values and delivering on those agreements.

Hope this clears some things up....

Andrew Moreno <amoreno@broken.ranch.org>

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