Creativity Consortium/Toronto LO5360 -Meeting Announcement

Walter Derzko (
Mon, 5 Feb 1996 09:18:25 -0500 (EST)

The next meeting of the Creativity Consortium, North America's first and
oldest creative thinking club, will be held on Wednesday Feb. 28, 1996
6:45 pm at the Royal Bank - Business Banking Center; 2 Bloor St East, 3
floor. Guest Speaker Dr. Matthew Kiernan, author of "Get Innovative or get
Dead." Participants will then use the concepts from Dr.Kiernan's book to
explore new innovation strategies for their organizations.

Members: $20.00 Guests: $30:00 Newsletter and handouts provided. Space
limited. To register call Walter Derzko at the Creativity Consortium in
Toronto at (416) 588-1122

Who are you likely to meet ? Lateral thinkers from Dupont, Royal Bank,
Bank of Montreal, Sear Canada, Loblaws, National Grocers, Federal Express,
Ontario Hydro, American Express, CIBC, Xerox, IBM, Alias Research, Noma
Swatch and various entrepreneurs, artists, entertainers and lateral
creative thinkers from all walks of life.

Come out and train your brain !

Meetings take place on the last Wednesday of the month. Future Speakers:
Michael Abson, Managing Director Swatch Canada, Dr. Gareth Morgan, York
University, and (TBC) Ron Barbaro former President of the Toronto Argos
and Prudential Insurance and the Current President of the Design Exchange
inyour spot for our next meeting call (416) 588-1122 in Toronto.

To reserve for spot for our next monthly meeting call (416)588-1122 All
Lateral Thinkers Welcome.

Walter Derzko
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