LO & Big Layoffs LO5288

William J. Hobler, Jr. (bhobler@cpcug.org)
Thu, 1 Feb 1996 16:39:26 -0500

Replying to LO5252 --

Ginger Shafer in responding to how to gain commitment and receive creative
behaviors from employees experiencing layoffs:

>By giving me the training to perform the tasks associated with my assigned
>responsibilities, an appreciation/knowledge of how my work affects others
>work and the customer, then giving me the freedom and authority to get the
>job done unencumbered by unnecessary distractions.

Applause, applause!!!!

The mental model of the leader who provides these attributes to his or her
employees with respect to the employees is that they, the employees, wish
to succeed and make the organization successful. His or her people are
good people either with the capabilities needed or with the ability to
learn and apply the requisite capabilities,

The mental model of the leader with respect to him or her self is one of
being perceptive enough to foresee impending failure and competent enough
to redirect the employee without destroying his or her initiative.

The mental model of both with respect to their relationship has to be one
of open honesty and full trust. Loyalty to each other must run in both

The culture of the organization should be one in which these mental models
and the behaviors of mutual respect, trust and Loyalty thrive.

Given these (and other attributes) people will work to succeed in assigned
tasks for many reasons: first for the challenge to learn and grow, second
to be part of some achievement, third to turn in work appreciated by their
peers, and on and on.

IMHO what many organizations, and people, do not perceive in today's
changing world is that life long loyalty with an organization (two way
Loyalty) is no longer the model. My concept of 'the model' is unclear,
for me it is more a model of Loyalty to my profession, people and my
relationship with them and certainly Loyalty to my present employer and
present client. This sounds, and may be, very self centric. As stated
the full concept is not clear yet, but perhaps Loyalty is paid to the
larger community of profession, each client and each employer

Ginger goes on with

>Believe it or not, I originally joined the Air Force because I could be
>committed to its mission and the regimentation freed my mind for
>creativity in my work!!

Mission and Regimentation is not all that bad. Applause, applause! Let's
not worry about what we are going to wear, or where we are going to sit or
what the organization is about etc., etc.. Let's pay attention to what is
the best way to achieve the mission.

Clarity of purpose, our role in achieving that purpose, and our
freedom to do what has to be done is invigorating.

William J. Hobler, Jr.      Bill        bhobler@cpcug.org
     Collaborating and learning for mutual growth.
The job is not done until we are all humbled by what
                each of us accomplished together.