In November 1994, I released my first book called [Learning Unlimited:
Practical strategies and techniques for transforming learning in the
workplace]. In July 95, a second book was released entitled [Creating
Training Miracles] (Rylatt & Lohan) on advancing the skills of training
and learning.I am a frequent speaker at major international and national
conferences including recently the 1994 American Society of Training and
Development Conference (world's largest training conference) and the 1995
International Alliance for Accelerative Learning (worlds premier
conference on accelerative learning) and the 1994 Australian Institute for
Training and Development Conference.In 1994, I became one of the first
professionals in Australia to be awarded a fellowship of the Australian
Institute of Training and Development for my on- going achievements in the
Being a pragmatist I am interested in supporting workplace and individual
learning with high leverage implementation strategies
I have spent the last ten years of life exploring and liasing with the
very best in learning and I look forward to contributing and discovering.
-- Alastair Rylatt <