Re: Groupware & Learning Org LO2566

Bill Mitchell (
Fri, 25 Aug 95 09:08:08 -700

Replying to LO2545 --

The idea of quadrants using social interaction and technology as
the axis is intriguing. However I would not agree that groupware
falls into the hi-tech, low-touch quadrant. In many cases
groupware is used to connect people who are in geographically
dispersed locations. These people are seeking interaction with
other people (hi-touch) in order to exchange their ideas. The
technology is allowing them to "touch" each other.

Conversely, EMAIL is low-touch. The person is distributing
information as he chooses. The desire to interact is likely
minimal. I would consider EMAIL to be hi-tech, low-touch.

Note: Is it the hi-touch organizations or the low-touch
organizations that are pursuing groupware successfully?
Is it the hi-control or low-control organizations that are
pursuing groupware successfully?

So does it make more sense to have the axis of the graph be
technology and control of information? It doesn't in mind.
Technology is only an accelerator of the underlying structure.
If the organization is already hi-touch then it will look for
tools (technology) that will overcome the barriers it is facing
in becoming more hi-touch. (Ex. Geographic separation, Different
work schedules - groupware can help bring people together)

The bottom line is that technology is one tool that can help a
business implement "what" it wants to be. But technology should
not define the business. (Except where technology is the

So how about a single line that indicates degree of social interaction or
control. Technology can be implemented along the line to help the company
be more efficient in being what it wants to be.
