Re: Training Execs for Int'l LO2183

Gary and Lilly Evans (
22 Jul 95 09:55:56 EDT

Replying to LO2114 --

In his note of 15t July Bernard Girard gave us a number of evokative
stories. I could relate from my experience to most of them.

Perhaps it may help to add another, where the language, at least on the
face of it was/is not the problem. I have observed, both in the small
village where I live and several multi-national companies an interesting
phenomenon. The American expatriate "herd instinct" in UK. Most tend to
live in two/three areas around/in London. Their children go only to
American schools. While spouses work in their postings wives (and now
also husbands) tend to teach at the American school attended by their
kids. They expect the company personnel departments to organise their
social lives, with other Americans of course. Few, if any make lasting
friends locally.

Can someone explain what is at play here?

Ann Woosley's original question was about international managers. Several
of European multinationals have come to the conclusion that the solution
is not in posting people around the world but in recruiting competent
local management and staff. Granted it is not always easy, one only has
to think of faltering steps in the former Central and Eastern Europe.
Yet, companies like ABB pursue this course of action fully.


lilly evans             

"Intermediaries follow that principle: the way for the weak to move the strong is not by force but by modifying their relationship, changing the angle of approach.... The trouble with the method of intermediaries is that it requires a great deal of patience and, above all, an ability to cope with fear." Theodore Zeldin