>I have been searching for some time this morning for a quote that I read
>re: leadership that implicitly (just wanted to insert a synonymous term
>here for tacit!) gets at how much talent and work is involved in
>leadership. The gist is something like this:
> If your followers think you are the one that
> outwardly helped them, you will be publicly
> thanked. But, if through your consistent
> loyalty, support, and guidance (as the
> leader) they are starting to make changes on
> their own, they will think they did it
> themselves. This is the mark of a true
> leader.
>I would love to have the exact quote....does this sound familiar to
Its from the Chinese writings of Lao Tsu - often translated as writings on
strategy or war - one translation goes:
"when a great leader's work is done, the people say We did it ourselves!"
Ketan lakhani
-- KETAN L. LAKHANI Voice: +27 31 3011229 CENTRE FOR MANAGED CHANGE Fax: +27 31 3051833 klakhani@aztec.co.za Snailmail: P.O. Box 5520, DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA *** Commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty ***