> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 12:15:24 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Laural Adams <ladams@lib.nmsu.edu>
<<< a lot of stuff deleted here >>>
> Ultimately, however, this returns us to point 1: who decides these are
> the values orgs ought to subscribe to and support? The only way I can
> work through this objection at this time is to think that these are not
> "value" judgements, but needs assessments. And then ask whether orgs
> have the responsibility to satisfy human "needs," thereby
> by-passing the questions on values. But which needs and...
> Again, who does the looking and who does the deciding?
> Laural
I believe that, although we still have some organizations in the
world which are totally controlled by one individual, most world-class,
most global competitive firms have adopted, accepted, modified, etc.
values through a long and slow process of social influence (this is my own
terminology). This means that as time passes, the values adopted and
subscribed to by companies susch as G.E., ABB, AIRBUS, and many others,
are not longer the values developed individually by teir CEO's, but
through the long term interaction with customers employees, outsiders,
governments, etc. We may not even recognize this, but when we look at the
values of most organizations today, we find that there are many statements
whose origins are found outside the organizations' founders world, etc.
THe Rockefellers had a clear, individualistic, very selfish goal for their
enterprise. But that was in the 1940's... Today this is not possible
Organizations that are "unjust" in today world of business may not
be able to survive in the long run. What needs we must meet? The needs
of the customers are essential (What is good for GM is good for the world
type of thinking no longer dominates the world), customers have increased
power because they have choices. The other group whose needs must be met
is the employees. Only then they will be willing to do a good job with the
customers. Smart business people today understand that profits do not
come from the "great" decisions they make, but on how well employees
implement them, etc...
-- Ivan Blanco@BU4090.Barry.edu